SAP Program SAPF163A - Formal Validation of Bank Data

The program checks the bank data for formal correctness andcompleteness on the basis of the country-specific settings with regardto the bank key.
For countries where the bank number is the bank key:

  • Is the bank number formally correct?

  • Is the length correct and does the number consist of permittedcharacters?
    • Is the bank number specified in the field "Bank number"?

    • If it is specified, this field is checked to establish whether the thelength is correct and whether the characters used are permitted.
      For countries with external number assignment for the bank key:
      • Is the bank key formally correct?

      • Is the length correct and does the bank key contain permittedcharacters?
        • If specified, is the bank number formally correct?
        • Prerequisites
          You must make the appropriate settings in Customizing under GeneralSettings Set Country-Specific Checks .


          If you have selected the field Set deletion flag, the deletionflag is set for the incorrect banks.

          A list of the incorrect banks is output.