SAP Program SAPF140 - Trigger for Correspondence

The program controls the output of correspondence requests by callingup the appropriate print reports on a company code basis for theindividual correspondence requests. It additionally reorganizes thetable for correspondence requests in accounting and the individualtexts entered in it. When reorganization takes place is dependent uponthe number of days after which the processed correspondence requestsshould be deleted.
The program is usually scheduled as a job once or twice daily so thatthe correspondence requests which have accumulated in the meantime canbe output. The company codes which processing of correspondencerequests should take place for and the number of days after whichreorganization should take place are normally the only limitationswhich are set. Job scheduling can be automated by specifying arepetition period.

In order that correspondence, on the basis of requests, is output, youhave to fulfill the following prerequisites:
The correspondence types which you require have to be configured viathe accounting configuration menu under the sub-option Business volume-> Correspondence. You can find further information on configuration ofindividual correspondence types in the print report documentation forcorrespondence. The name of the print reports delivered in the standardsystem always begin with the letters RFKORD.
Entries must exist in the table for correspondence requests foraccounting.

If correspondence is output, a log is output for each report run,containing the spool orders created by the print programs. If a printeris not specified in the report for the log, the printer from the usermaster which started the program or the printer specified whenscheduling the job is selected if necessary. If the report is carriedout online, the log is displayed on the screen. If the program isscheduled as a job, the spool order name of the log is made up from theF140 ID, the printer name, the creation date and the F140 programidentification.
Correspondence is output using the appropriate print programs. Ifoutput is possible on the basis of data and configuration, a spoolorder is created for each correspondence type and company code. Theprocessed correspondence requests, independently of whether they areoutput or not, are marked by a print date as being completed in orderthat reorganization can take place.

In a trigger report for correspondence, limitations by account type,account, document number or fiscal year are usually not necessary sincethe reports' purpose is mainly to process all correspondence requestswhich have not yet been completed. No limitations are usually made forthe select option 'Correspondence'.
If you require further limitations, you have to be aware that onlycertain combinations are permitted.

  • If you wish to print out account-related correspondence requests, such
  • as requests for account statements or open item lists, you can, ifrequired, further limit the selection by account type or account numberin conjunction with the limitation of one or more account-relatedcorrespondence types (in the standard system, for example, SAP06 andSAP08).
    • If you wish to print out document-related correspondence requests, such
    • as requests for payment notices or bill of exchange charges statements,you can, if required, further limit selection by document number andfiscal year, in conjunction with the limitation of one or moredocument-related correspondence types (in the standard system, forexample, SAP01 and SAP07).

145200Correspondence: data from central address management
480275RFKORD50: Input tax deduction net display
521157RFKORD50: Tax number for article 14
501622RFKORD10/11: Noted items are not displayed
491446RFKORD60: FB552 No relevant item in document
397096RFKORD11: expiring currencies incorrect perform
366042Expiring currencies processes FI
407198RFKORD80/FBCJ: Expiring currencies (cash document)
362277Expiring currencies: correspondence
391655Address number at one-time line items