SAP Program SAPF130Z - Head Office and Branch Index for Balance Confirmations

The program generates an index with head offices and the respectivebranches for customers and vendors. The index is used by the programsfor creating balance confirmations.
If several program runs are necessary in order to create balanceconfirmations, for example because customer/vendor intervals are formedfor parallel scheduling in the background or because a group is to befully confirmed while only a sample is taken from another group, thencreating an index has runtime advantages since the confirmationprograms do not have to generate the index in each case for each run.
The reconciliation key date at the time of creating the index mustcorrespond to the reconciliation key date of the confirmation programs.If an index with the same reconciliation key date is created twice, theolder one is overwritten. The index can be deleted after use.
The index should, as far as possible, be created in realtime beforecreating the balance confirmations so as to avoid problems with headoffices/branches which were created between creation of the index andthe issuing of the confirmations.