SAP Program SAPF130D - Customer Balance Confirmation

This program creates the letters to your customers and the necessaryreply letters for checking the receivables and the payables.
You can choose from the following procedures:

  • balance confirmation

  • balance notification

  • balance request

  • For each company code, a check list and an error list (where needed) isissued. You may also request a results table. You use the check list
    to check the receipt of the balance confirmation. You may have toremind individual customers to reply. In the error list, theprogram logs the errors which occurred during the evaluation. Theresults table is used to evaluate the replies. Here, for example,you record how many replies you received, and the total amount ofreplies.
    For each program run, a selection cover sheet can be output.
    You can also print reminder letters for overdue balanceconfirmations and balance inquiries with the program. To do this, enterthe customers involved, and in addition, either the old date of issueand/or the old reply date.

    Due to the time required for data validation, you should only run theprogram in the background.

    Before executing the program, the requirements described in thefollowing sections must be met. This includes entries which are to bemade via the default settings and the forms which are to be used forprinting the letters and lists.

    Default settings
    RESET N1

    Store form name
    Per company code, store at least one form set with a letter and replyletter to customers, one form for the check list and one form for theerror list in the system.
    You have to bear in mind the following conventions for the form ID:
    List,,Form ID
    Check list,,LI
    Error list,,ER
    Results table,,RE
    You can store the form set for the letter and the reply under any formID. However, you may not use the above-mentioned identifications! Youenter the standard form set for the letter and the reply without formID. If you do not make an entry in the CCode field, this entryapplies to all company codes which are not listed individually.

    Store the name of the standard texts in the system.
    Per company code, you can store several standard texts in the system.You enter the texts for the letter header, the letter footer, the senderspecification and the signature line to be printed on the letter in thestandard texts. You store the standard variant for the standard textswithout text ID. If you do not fill the field CCode, this entryapplies to all company codes which are not listed individually.

    Enter addresses
    For every company code, a company code address has to be specified inthe system. As a reply address, you can enter addresses per company codeunder different address IDs (for example, for the auditor and yourauditing department).
    You store the standard reply address without an address ID.

    Determine additional selection options
    You can extend the selection options of this program by selecting therequired additional options in a list. Do not choose too many selectionoptions. If too many selection options are chosen, a runtime error mayoccur. This happens when the roll area (the main storage sectionreserved for processing application data) is too small. In addition, youshould make sure that the variants of the program you use match thecurrent selection options.

    Determining display formats
    You determine the sequence in which balance confirmations are issuedusing the sort variants for the correspondence. You define the sortvariants in the menu for maintaining display formats under Periodicprocessing -> Correspondence -> Correspondence -> Sort variants.
    All sort sequences are carried out first of all by company code, then inthe sequence of the fields of the respective sort variant and then byaccount number as well as by internal number of a one-time customer.
    You can obtain the list of fields which you can sort by, by using thePossible entries pushbutton (F4). The list of fields which you canselect contains a selection of the fields from master data tables KNA1and KNB1. The sort fields are filled with data according to their nameand in a defined sequence as follows:
    The sort fields are first of all filled with data from KNA1 and thenwith data from KNB1.
    Fields which have the same field name in tables KNA1 and KNB1 aretherefore overwritten if necessary.
    You can determine the sequence for issuing line items using the sortvariants for the line items. You can define the sort variants in themenu for maintaining the display formats under Periodic processing ->Correspondence -> Line items -> Sort variants.
    All sort sequences take place in the order of the fields of therespective sort variant. In the case of head offices/branches, thedocuments displayed in a balance confirmation are first of all sorted byhead offices/branches and then in the sequence of the fields of therespective sort variant. If the sort variant for line items contains theUMSKZ field (tax code) in one of the five sort fields, then a subheadingwith the name of the special G/L indicator is issued when changing thespecial G/L indicator in the standard system. If you do not requirethis, you can deactivate the corresponding heading lines in the form forbalance confirmations by means of the format line (entry /*).
    You can obtain the list of fields which you can sort by, by using thePossible entries pushbutton (F4). The list of fields which you canselect contains a selection of the fields from the document tables BKPFand BSEG. In the case of balance confirmations, however, only fieldswhich are contained in table BSID can be selected. The HBELN fieldcontains the reference number (if an entry has been made in this field),otherwise the document number.

    Standard texts and forms
    The standard texts you use must be created. In addition, the forms haveto be defined and activated in the system before you can print therequired letters. The standard SAP R/3 System includes forms which youmay copy and adapt to your requirements.
    RESET N1

    Standard texts
    You must create the standard texts to be defined in the system. You canuse the texts delivered with the standard system with the text ID ADRSas an example:
    Standard text for,,Name
    Letter header,,ADRS_HEADER
    Sender specifications,,ADRS_SENDER
    Signature text,,ADRS_SIGNATURE
    If individual specifications have already been printed on the paper youuse for the balance confirmation letter, do not store a standard textfor it in the system.

    The following forms are used in the standard SAP R/3 System:
    Form for,,,,Form name
    Letter and
    Check list,,,,F130_LIST_01 and F130_LIST_02
    Results table,,,,F130_RESULT_01 or F130_RESULT_02
    Error list,,,,F130_ERROR_01 or F130_ERROR_02
    If you define your own forms, the form name should contain theidentification code "F130".

    Explanation of the forms

    Letter and reply
    The letter and the reply letter are grouped together in one form set. Inthe standard SAP R/3 System, this is, for example, the standard formF130_CONFIRM_01 with the type face COURIER 12 or F130_CONFIRM_02. Thename is made up as follows: Program ID_Form name_Number. If you want touse different form sets for customers and vendors, you can createseparate forms.
    The form consists of the pages FIRST (first page) and NEXT (next pages)for the letter as well as FIRST_B (first page) and NEXT_B (next pages)for the reply.

    The windows of the letter
    The following windows must be defined for the letter:
    In the letter header, the company code-dependent standard text youstored in the system is used for the header.
    The company code-dependent standard text for the sender specificationsstored in the system and the address of the customer are included in theaddress window. The address layout is carried out according to thepostal rules.
    General information, such as sender city, date of issue, accountspecifications and accounting clerk specifications are output.
    Date specification on the next page.
    The corresponding company code-dependent standard text is included inthe footer of the opening page of the letter.
    Page numbering of the next pages.
    The main window defines the contents and the appearance of the lettertext and of the itemization of the open items via its text elements.

    Text elements for the letter
    The letter texts for different procedures and letters should be enteredunder separate text elements in the "MAIN" window:
    Letter,,,, Element number
    Balance confirmations,,,, 510
    Balance notifications,,,, 511
    Balance requests,,,, 512
    Reminder letter for balance confirmations,,,, 513
    Reminder letter for balance requests,,,, 514
    In addition to the date specifications, the reply address can beincluded with the text here.
    The closing form and signature (515) end the letter text.
    The blank line (516) separates the signature from the beginning of theitemization of the open items. It is also used after the output of atotals line or totals table for transactions with and without specialgeneral ledger.
    A detailed list (itemization) of the open items is output for balanceconfirmations and balance notifications. It starts with the heading(520) and the column heading (530). The column heading is repeated onevery new page.
    The branch address (540) or the address of a head office (541) isprefixed to the respective line items during item sorting 2, whichcauses an itemization according to branches and head offices.
    If open items (550) were selected, they are listed. You can determinethe volume and the sequence of information for an open item. The branchaccount number can be output for head offices. You can output theaccount number of a head office for locally processed branches with theopen items. If open items do not exist at the reconciliation key date,this is generally noted for individual customers and one-time accountcustomers (551). For head offices and branches processed locally, it maybe that only the head office and/or individual branches display nobalances. In this case, you have to distinguish between zero balanceswhich show that no open items exist due to direct postings to a headoffice or branch (552), and zero balances which would be displayed onthe account of the head office in the case of open items. The latter aredisplayed for head offices in the case of branches processed locally(553) and for branches in the case of head offices (554).
    When changing the special G/L indicator, a subtotal is calculated afterthe respective open items and, if necessary, displayed separatelyaccording to the transaction currencies (560 - 562).
    If you sort the line items by company code and have a cross-company coderequest (group version) with no individual request, a subtotal iscreated after the respective item in a company code and may be displayedseparately by transaction currency (563 - 564).
    During item sorting 2, subtotals are output separated according to thetransaction currencies, if required, namely

    • at the end of the line items of a branch (570 - 574)

    • at the end of the line items of a head office (575 - 579)

    • at the end of the line items of a branch which is managed on the account
    • of a head office (570 - 574)
      After the open items, the sum total (580 - 584) is output separatedaccording to transaction currencies, if necessary.
      During item sorting 1, where the open items are output withoutdifferentiation according to head offices and branches, a list of thebranches of a head office (590 - 591) included in itemization or of thehead offices managing items of a branch (592 - 593) is prefixed to thetotal balance display.
      For head offices with branches processed locally, a comment (594) isoutput in front of the total display stating that the branches receiveseparate letters.
      For the "INFO" window, there are the following elements:
      • Text element 505 outputs the name of the accounting clerk at your
      • business partner's and the account number of your company at thebusiness partner's.
        • Text element 506 does not contain this information.
        • The windows for the reply letter
          The following windows must be defined for the reply letter:
          The address of the customer is included in the letter header. Addresslayout is carried out according to the postal rules.
          This window contains sender specifications of the customer as well asthe reply address, which is edited according to postal regulations.
          General information, such as the account specifications and the date ofissue of the letter, are output in this window. For further informationto be completed by the customer, commented blank lines can be provided.
          The elements of the main window define the content and appearance of thereply letter text.

          The text elements for the reply letter
          For head offices and branches processed locally (611-618), the branchesand offices included in the confirmaton are listed according to thecompany code address (610) of the firm for which the confirmation shouldbe executed. In this case, balance confirmations and balancenotifications can be handled differently from balance inquiries.
          For balance confirmations and balance notifications, the total balanceof open items (620 - 631) is displayed.
          The area for the response of the customer is designed as a text passageto be marked. The predefined responses to be completed can be specifiedfor balance confirmations (642 - 644), balance notifications (645, 646)and balance requests (651 - 672). The texts of these elements are alwaystreated as connected sections, and are not separated by a page break.Texts without this section protection are prefixed: Balance confirmation(640), balance request (641) and balance inquiries (650).
          If you do not want to use the standard texts, you can proceed asfollows:

          • If you only want to output a short continuous text without section
          • protection in your letters, enter this text under the elements 640, 641and 650.
            • If you want to use section protection, you can enter your texts under
            • the other corresponding elements, for example, 645, 646 or 651.
              The closing form and the signature (608) end the reply.
              The footer of the reply (690) is printed if at least one section isoutput in which a footnote appears in the sample form set. You can alsouse a footer (691) which is then output on every page of the replyletter. To use one of the two options, you should completely delete theunrequired element from the form. If the elements for the footers aremissing in the form, no message is issued (although it is for the otherelements in the error log.)
              For the "INFO2" window, there are the following elements:
              • The text element 605 outputs the name of the accounting clerk at your
              • business partner's and the account number of your company at thebusiness partner's.
                • Text element 606 does not contain this information.
                • Check list
                  One check list is output per company code (for example, F130_LIST_01 forCOURIER 12 or F130_LIST_02). The form consists of the pages LI_FIRST(first page) and LI_NEXT (next pages).

                  The windows for the check list
                  The following windows must be defined for the check list:
                  Here, information similar to the ABAP lists is output for the FIapplication. In addition to the title of the list, further information,such as the reconciliation key date and run ID, can be listed here. Theheader is repeated on every list page.
                  The main window defines the contents and the appearance of the checklist via its elements.

                  The text elements for the check list
                  The following elements have to be defined in the "MAIN" window for thecheck list:
                  The check list starts with details on the program run. For firstletters, the date of issue and the required reply date (710) can beoutput here, for example. For reminder letters, you can includeadditional information (720).
                  The column heading (730) is output on every page.
                  Account specifications and the total balance in local currency (740) areoutput for individual customers, one-time accounts and head offices/branches.
                  Branches included with the balance confirmations of head offices (741)and head offices included for branches processed locally (742) are notedwithout amount specifications.
                  The total balance in local currency as well as further specificationsare listed for the individual one-time account customers as well asaddress data for balance confirmations on one-time accounts (743).
                  At the end of the check list, the sum total of the balances of customerslisted in the check list (760) is displayed.
                  All total balances except for the total balance of a one-time account,and the sum total can be split up according to currencies (750).
                  Statistical specifications (770), such as the number of created balanceconfirmations and the number of the letters which have a total balanceof zero, are at the end of the check list. Thus, partial zero balancesare never taken into account here or counted separately.

                  Results table
                  A results table is output per company code (for example, F130_RESULT_01for COURIER 12 or F130_RESULT_02). The table is used for the evaluationof the respective balance confirmation run. Most of the list is to becompleted manually. The form consists of the pages ET_FIRST (first page)and ET_NEXT (next pages).

                  The windows of the results table
                  The following windows must be defined for the results table:
                  Information similar to the ABAP lists for the FI application is outputhere. In addition to the title of the list, further information such asthe reconciliation key date and the run ID can be listed here. Theheader is repeated on every list page.
                  The document window's elements define the contents and the appearance ofthe results table.

                  The text elements of the results table
                  The following elements have to be defined in the "MAIN" window for theresults table:
                  The results table starts with specifications for the program run. Forfirst letters, the date of issue and the required reply date (805) canbe output here. For reminder letters, additional information can beincluded (806).
                  The column heading (810) is output on every page.
                  The results table in the sample form is divided into the followingareas:

                  • Data of the respective program run (820-829)

                  • Sections for letters not returned (830-832)

                  • Sections for the evaluation of letters returned unanswered or without
                  • confirmation (840-850)
                    • Sections for evaluations of replies with confirmations (850-896).

                    • As a supplement or an alternative you can also output a list which isnot subdivided by elements or a consecutive text (899).
                      The data on the program run basically repeats the statisticalspecifications and the check list sum total (820-823) structuredaccording to currencies. This data is supplemented by percentage ratesconcerning the individual amounts. The reference value for thepercentage rates of the local currency amounts is the sum total in localcurrency. For several currencies with local currency balances withdifferent +/- signs, the sum totals are in local currency per +/- sign.For program runs where confirmations were only created for zerobalances, separate elements apply (824-827).
                      The sum total in local currency is the closing of the data for theprogram run (827). A separate element applies to zero balance runs(828). The system also produces a special display if amounts in severalcurrencies are confirmed in a program run resulting in individualbalances in local currency with different +/- signs (828-829).
                      The list area for letters not returned for balance confirmations andbalance requests always consists of a line which contains the text andthe key of a document currency (830). If several currencies are statedduring a program run, continuation lines are output for the additionalcurrencies (831). During a pure zero balance run, a special display isproduced (832). For balance notifications where letters not returnedrepresent the normal case, separate elements apply in the same manner(833-835).
                      The list area for letters returned without confirmation is subdividedinto a header line or text line (840), in addition to the areas forundeliverable letters (841-844), and replies returned unanswered formiscellaneous reasons (845-848). The sections for undeliverable lettersand replies without confirmation always consist of one line whichcontains the text, a document currency (841, 845) and other entries. Ifseveral currencies are stated during a program run, continuation linesare output for the further currencies (842, 846). During a pure zerobalance run, a special screen is displayed (843, 847). In the case ofbalance confirmations and balance requests, an additional 'as from' notefor reminder data is output for first letters (844, 848).
                      The list area for replies with a confirmation is subdivided into ageneral part (850-853), a part for identical confirmations (854-856) anda part for alternative confirmations (860-896).
                      The general part for all replies with confirmation always consists (850)of one line which contains the text, a document currency, and otherentries. If several currencies are stated during a program run,continuation lines (851) are output for the further currencies. During apure zero balance run, a special display is produced (852). In the caseof balance confirmations and balance requests, an additional 'as from'note for reminder data (853) is output for first letters. One line whichcontains the text, a document currency and other items is always outputfor each identical and non-identical confirmation (854, 860). If severalcurrencies are stated during a program run, continuation lines areoutput for the other currencies (855, 861). During a pure zero balancerun, a special display is produced (856, 862). The non-identicalconfirmations can be further subdivided, whereby text lines (863, 880,890), lines with text, a document currency, and other items (870, 881,891, 894), continuation lines for several currencies (871, 882, 892,895) and lines for pure zero balance runs (872, 883, 893, 896) areavailable.
                      As a supplement or alternative to the concept for the evaluation ofbalance confirmation runs implemented in the sample form, you can outputa consecutive text or a list which is not subdivided (899).

                      Text items that can be used
                      When setting up the forms in SAPscript, text symbols which are replacedby current values when running the print programs are included in thetext. The fields which can be used to do this are defined in the DataDictionary. They are made available according to the program run asfollows:

                      • for the entire program run

                      • Name of the confirmation procedure (field RF130-BZSBVERF)
                        Reconciliation key date (field RF130-ABSTIDAT)
                        Date of issue (field RF130-AUSSTDAT)
                        Old date of issue (field RF130-UAUSTDAT)
                        Reply date (field RF130-RUECKDAT)
                        Old reply date (field RF130-URUECKDA)
                        Run index (field RF130-LAUFI)
                        Program name (field RF130-REPID)
                        • for the output of a company code

                        • Data of the company code table (table T001)
                          Company code address (internal structure BKADR)
                          Reply address (internal structure RAADR)
                          • for the letter and the reply

                          • Customer address from the customer master record or (for one-timeaccount customers) from the document (internal structure DKADR)
                            Company code-specific account data always from the customer masterrecord (fields KNB1-BUKRS, KNB1-BUSAB, KNB1-KNRZE, KNB1-KNRZB,KNB1-XVERR, KNB1-EIKTO, KNB1-ZSABE, KNB1-XDEZV)
                            Accounting clerk accounting department (table T001S)
                            Accounting clerk address data from the personnel-related address of theSAPoffice user (structure FSABE)
                            • for the itemization of the open items in the letter

                            • Line item data (fields RF130-BLART, RF130-BLDAT, RF130-DMSHB,RF130-WRSHB, RF130-WAERS, RF130-GSBER, RF130-BELNR, RF130-XBLNR,RF130-BELEGNUM, RF130-SGTXT, RF130-UMSKZ, RF130-MONAT, RF130-GJAHR,RF130-BSCHL, RF130-BSTAT, RF130-ZUONR, RF130-NETDT, T003T-LTEXT, allBSID fields)
                              Zero balance for customer, one-time account customer, headoffices/branches (field RF130-KONTO)
                              Output of head offices/branches for line item data (field RF130-KONTO)and for separate address text sections (internal structures FIADR,ADRZE, table *T001S)
                              Balances are output according to the respective document currencies(fields RF130-WAERS, RF130-SALDO). For the balance display per specialG/L indicator the name of the special G/L indicator is also available(field T074T-LTEXT).
                              • Reply

                              • Output of head offices/branches (internal structures FIADR, ADRZE table*T001S, *FSABE)
                                Balances are output according to the respective document currencies(fields RF130-WAERS, RF130-SALDO).
                                • Check list

                                • Itemization of customers (fields RF130-KONTO, RF130-KUNNR, RF130-NAME1,RF130-LAND1, RF130-PSTLZ, RF130-ORT01, RF130-REGIO, RF130-HWAER,RF130-SALDOHW, RF130-WAERS, RF130-SALDO, RF130-GSALDD)
                                  Sum total (field RF130-GSALDB)
                                  Statistical data (fields RF130-ANZSALDB, RF130-ANZNULLS)
                                  Details on a sample (fields RF130-ANZKONT, RF130-STICHPR)
                                  • Results table

                                  • General part
                                    Statistical data (fields RF130-ANZSALDB, RF130-ANZNULLS)
                                    Balances, currencies and percentage rates (fields RF130-HWAER,RF130-SALDOHW, RF130-GSALDB, RF130-PROZS, RF130-WAERS, RF130-SALDO,RF130-PROZW)
                                    Further evaluations (fields RF130-HWAER, RF130-WAERS)

                                    A letter and a reply is output for each customer. A check list, aresults table and, if necessary, an error list are output per companycode. A selection cover sheet can be output per program run. For testpurposes, an output can be carried out on the screen. If the forms andthe lists are output in the spool, the title of the output request ismade up as follows: the identifier F130D, the number (one to four) ofthe first four positions of the program variant used, the reconciliationkey date and the company code. The identification numbers have thefollowing meanings:

                                    • F130D0 = Spool request with selection cover sheet

                                    • F130D1 = Spool request with letter and replies

                                    • F130D2 = Spool request with check list

                                    • F130D3 = Spool request with result table

                                    • F130D4 = Spool request with error list

                                    • INCLUDE FI_APAR_SAPF130_BKRSUEBERGR OBJECT DOKU ID TX

1643828SAPF130D: Sonderzeichen bei FAX-Versand
145200Correspondence: data from central address management
357700Expiring currencies: Balance confirmations
391655Address number at one-time line items
33913Results of SAPF130K/SAPF130D <> FK10/FD10