SAP Program SAPF120 - Create Posting Documents from Recurring Documents

This program manages the recurring entry documents created online. It:

  • Selects the recurring entry documents for which actual accounting
  • documents need to be created.
    The program selects any recurring entry document whose next run data isthe same as the date of the settlement period or falls within theinterval for the settlement period. It does not include recurring entrydocuments that are marked for deletion.
    • Creates a batch input session containing data that it transfers and, if
    • necessary, changes and enhances from the recurring entry documents inorder to generate the accounting documents and update the recurringdocuments.
      • Marks for deletion those recurring documents whose next run date
      • exceeds the "last run on" date. If any recurring entry documents areassigned to a run schedule and no other run dates exist in theschedule, it also marks them for deletion.
        You do not have to make a backup of the database in case a restart isnecessary. The program does not make any changes to the database andcan be restarted as necessary.
        To post the accounting documents and update the recurring entrydocuments, you have to process the batch input session created by theprogram. If any errors that prevent the system from creating theaccounting document and/or updating the recurring entry document occurin processing this session, then the entire transaction (creatingaccounting document and updating recurring entry document) terminated.
        The current design of this program does not fully, or may not at all,support recurring entries or postings in connection with Sales andDistribution, Assets Management, and Cash Management.

        You have to specify in the recurring entry document when each actualaccounting document should be created. You specify either an intervalin months or a run schedule. Run schedules are set up in Customizingfor Financial Accounting.
        Check that this requirement is fulfilled.
        IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'

        • Run schedule Proceed

        • Run dates Proceed

        • ENDIF
          If program SAPF120 has to be updated, your system administrator can dothis by running programs SAPF120G and SAPF120R. An update may benecessary if changes have been made to the posting screens.
          Program SAPF120R is used as a template for SAPF120. It is not plannedto be carried out directly.

          If you do not enter all the required run dates when setting up a runschedule, you should enter the remaining or additional run dates beforeor once the last date specified in the schedule is reached.
          If the program cannot determine a run date in the recurring entrydocument's run schedule that comes after the current run date, it marksthe recurring entry document for deletion and issues a warninginforming you to check this recurring entry document and/or its runschedule. If necessary, you can then correct the dates in the recurringentry document or its run schedule, and reset the deletion indicator inthe recurring entry document. To continue executing this recurringentry, you may have to rerun the program that issued this warning. If abatch input session was created in the first program run, you shouldprocess it beforehand to avoid duplicate selections.
          The system derives certain dates, for example, the value date, from thedate entries that it updates automatically when you process the batchinput session. If you want to change the dates that are updatedautomatically for just one recurring entry program run, you shouldremember to change them back after running the program. If you changethe next run date, one or more run dates may be skipped depending onwhether you move the next run date forwards or backwards. Even in thiscase you can still correct the dates that were skipped.
          If you are using selection criteria that overlap in two or moresessions, make sure that the next session is created only after theprior session is processed.
          Selection &VLINE& Session 1 &vline& Session2
          Company code &vline& 0001 &vline& 0001
          Document type &vline& SA &vline& SA
          Next &vline& &vline&
          Settlement period &vline& &vline&
          From &vline& 01071992 &vline& 01071992
          To &vline& 15071992 &vline& 31071992
          If you do not do this, the program could select the same recurringentry documents twice and place the same accounting documents in thetwo sessions. As a rule, the duplicate documents cannot be posted, butin some cases, errors will occur when later processing the sessions ifan accounting document already exists for the settlement period andrespective recurring entry document. However, if you set back the nextrun date in between posting two sessions that overlap in theirsettlement period, duplicate documents could be posted. The only way tocheck this would be to check the accounting documents and the number oftimes the recurring entry was executed.

          You can limit the number of recurring entries that are created byspecifying the following selection criteria:

          • Company code

          • Document type

          • Settlement period

          • Run schedule

          • As long as one recurring entry is selected, the program will create abatch input session. You can enter a name for the session in theappropriate field.
            You can also make the following settings for processing the batch inputsession:
            • You can specify a user name for the authorization check.

            • You can set a blocking date for the session if you do not want to
            • process it immediately.
              The remaining topics of this document will explain which data is nottaken from recurring documents, which data is changed, and which isupdated when placing the data in a batch input session, creating theaccounting documents, and finally updating the recurring documents.
              Creating the Accounting Documents
              • The number of the recurring entry document is entered in the document
              • header of the created accounting document.
                • The posting and document dates are set as the current run date.

                • The posting period is derived from the posting date once you process
                • the session.
                  • Postings that contain terms of payment are assigned the baseline date
                  • for due date calculation that is specified in the terms of payment.Postings without terms of payment are assigned the document date as thebaseline date.
                    • Postings that are part of payment transactions are assigned a value
                    • date that is adjusted to the current settlement period. This adjustmentis made as follows:
                      If you are not using a run schedule, the system determines the date bycalculating the difference in days between the first run date and thevalue date specified in the line item of the recurring document.
                      If you are using a run schedule, the system uses the first run date asa reference to determine the value date.
                      If the value date is the end of each month, the system uses the lastday of each month as the value date, taking into account the differentnumber of days in each month.
                      • In recurring entries that are part of payroll accounting and that
                      • contain specifications on the payroll period, the system will make anadjustment for the current payroll deadline by calculating thedifference between the first payroll month and year and the settlementperiod in the line item of the recurring entry.
                        • Postings in foreign currency are translated into local currency using
                        • the translation rate valid at the settlement date.
                          • The system either copies the allocation number you specified in the
                          • line items of the recurring entry or creates it itself if you have notspecified an allocation.
                            • No data is transferred for the following fields for Cash Management and
                            • Assets Management:
                              Asset retirement
                              Asset transaction type
                              Reference date
                              Planning amount in document currency
                              Planning date
                              Updating the Recurring Entry Documents
                              The system uses either the monthly interval and run date or the runschedule dates to determine the next run date for the recurring entry.If in specifying the monthly interval and run date you change thecurrent settlement date so that it does not correspond with the rundate that either you chose or the system assigned, the next run datewill be set to the run date again. You can execute recurring entries atthe end of each month since the program can adjust for the differentnumber of days in each month.
                              Vline unchanged vline changed
                              Current &VLINE& &VLINE&
                              settlement date &VLINE& 03/15/1992 &VLINE& 3/20/1992
                              Interval in months &VLINE& 01 &VLINE& 01
                              Run date &VLINE& 15 &VLINE& 15
                              Next calculated &VLINE& &VLINE&
                              settlement date &VLINE& 04/15/1992 &VLINE& 04/15/1992
                              Current &VLINE& &VLINE&
                              settlement date &VLINE& 03/31/1992 &VLINE& 04/02/1992
                              Interval in months &VLINE& 01 &VLINE& 01
                              Run date &VLINE& 31 &VLINE& 31
                              Next calculated &VLINE& &VLINE&
                              settlement date &VLINE& 04/30/1992 &VLINE& 05/31/1992
                              The number of times the recurring entry was executed (Number of runs)is updated automatically when it is posted.
                              A deletion indicator is set for recurring documents that contain a nextrun on date that comes after the last run on date or that have a runschedule in which no other run date can be determined. The date of thelast "Next run on" remains in the document.

1394605FBD1/FBD2: Reporting country cannot be entered
1048146SAPF120: syntax error caused by the BSEZ-XEGDR_HU field
1020574FBV0/FIPP.POST: Error 00 349 for COBL-FKBER on SAPLKACB
658991FB01: Consolidtn transctn type on customer/vendor line itms
875522SAPF120: Hiding ledger selection
829527FBD2: Changes are not saved
652565Missing check indicators for authorization objects
509295SAPF120/SAPF121 syntax error after generating
485976SAPF121: Incorrect date specifications
359230Expiring currencies in recurring entry original documents
317679FBD1: AA301 'Enter an asset number'
138218OXK3: Problems with customer fields in batch input