SAP Program SAPF106 - Open Item Balance Sheet Supplement (Russia)

This program displays receivables and payables in accordance with thelegal requirements of the Russian Federation Finance Ministrysupplement 5, part 2 to the Russian Federation balance sheet.Receivables and payables are sorted as follows:
  • Receivables according to the opening balance/credit entries/debit
  • entries/closing balance
    Total short-term (all open items with a payment deadline of less thanone year)
    of which overdue (baseline date for payment + conditions < balancesheet key date)
    of which more than 3 months overdue
    (baseline date for payment + conditions < balance sheet key date - 3months)
    Total long-term (all with a payment deadline of > 1 year)
    of which overdue (baseline date for payment + conditions < balancesheet key date)
    of which more than 3 months overdue
    (baseline date for payment + conditions < balance sheet key date - 3months)
    With a long-term payment deadline > 12 months following the balancesheet key date
    (of total 2 with baseline date for payment > balance sheet key date +12 months)
    • Payables

    • Total short-term (all open items with payment deadline of < 1 year)
      of which overdue (baseline date for payment + conditions of which more than 3 months overdue
      (Baseline date for payment + conditions < balance sheet key date-3months)
      Total long-term (all with payment deadline > 1 year)
      of which overdue (baseline date for payment + conditionsof which more than 3 months overdue
      (Baseline date for payment + conditions < balance sheet key date-3months)
      With a long-term payment deadline > 12 months following the balancesheet key date
      (of total 2 with baseline date for payment > balance sheet key date +12 months)
      • Special General Ledger Transactions: Opening balance/credit entries/
      • dedit entries/closing balance only
        The report does not make any transfer postings.
        Use SAPf101 to make transfer postings for:
        • Long-term payables and receivables

        • Vendors with debit balances and customers with credit balances

        • Reconciliation accounts or partners (VBUND) that have been changed

        • All accounts managed on an open item basis are processed by thisprogram.
          Change reconciliation account or partner
          Within Consolidation, correct display of receivables or payables cannotbe guaranteed if a customer or vendor was bought out and thereceivables and/or payables taken over. Display within Consolidation isincorrect in this case, because the trading partner's open items posteddo not contain the company ID. To correct this error, proceed asfollows:
          Create a new master record for the customer or vendor in question, andenter the company ID in the master record.
          Make transfer postings for receivables/payables postings to the newtrading partner. These postings are also made in Consolidation.
          If the receivables/payables of the company bought out were not takenover, they continue to exist against the customer or vendor (company inliquidation) in which case you need only create a new master record forthe trading partner.

          Open items: Sorted list
          The balance sheet value of an account determines whether it is to besorted by payables or receivables. The balance sheet value is thebalance of the account per reconciliation account and remaining life.If several accounts are related due to the same trading partner, thetype of sorting depends on the total balance sheet value of the accountgroup. If the balance is positive, the sorting type for receivables isused, otherwise that for payables.
          Alternatively, several accounts can be grouped together, in which casetheir total balance is used to sort the list. The group term used forthe customers and vendors is the corporate group. There is a separatefield for G/L accounts in the G/L account master record. If there is anentry in the group term field, the balance is created for this term.
          The result of the sorting is displayed in a list, divided up accordingto the account types "customer", "vendor" and "G/L account". The listshows the adjustment postings required.
          If you use a target company code, all items are grouped together underthis company code and then processed. Note however that the companycodes selected must be managed in the same currency (for example localcurrency, group currency).

          Examples for country-specific account determination for changedreconciliation accounts and sorting receivables/payables are providedonce you have installed country RU (Russian Federation) in company code0001. (Generated from company code RU01).
          This program lists the type of sorting carried out for each account.You can choose the level of detail you require.
          The list displays the following data per business area and currency:

          • Total of foreign currency amounts posted

          • Total local currency amounts posted

          • Total balance sheet value of line items

          • Sorting according to due date

          • If you want line items to be listed, these are displayed with the
            following information for each account, :
            • Business area

            • Special G/L indicator

            • Currency key

            • Due date

            • Remaining life in days, if positive

            • Posting date

            • Document number, line item

            • Foreign currency amount posted

            • Valuated local currency amount (book value plus valuation difference)

            • Book value

            • Valuation difference (calculated by SAPF100)

            • If you require a microfiche line, the following information is printedin the variable part of the line:
              Field content,,,,Output length
              Company code,,,,4 figures
              Trading partner,,,,6 figures
              Account type,,,,1 figure
              G/L account,,,,10 figures
              Account number,,,,10 figures
              Business area,,,,4 figures