SAP Program SAPF080R_OLD - Reverse Accrual/Deferral Documents

You use program SAPF080R to create inverse postings for accrualdocuments in accounting.
You select the accruals documents to be considered on the selectionscreen. The system defaults the posting date for the inverse posting inthe accruals document. If you want a different posting date, you canspecify a posting period for the inverse postings. The system thenautomatically uses a posting period suitable for this period.
You can execute the program as a test run or an update run (see programparameter 'Test run').

The program creates a list of all documents with the specification ofwhether an inverse posting is possible (test run) or was created(update run). You can print the list. After a test run, the system usesthis list to create inverse postings for all documents for which aninverse posting is possible.