SAP Program SAPF080R - Reverse Accrual/Deferral Documents

The SAPF080R program is used to create reverse postings for FinancialAccounting accrual/deferral documents.
The accrual/deferral documents to be considered are chosen on theselection screen. The posting date of the reverse posting was alreadyspecified in the accrual/deferral document. If you have not specifiedanything in the document, then you can specify a posting period for thereverse postings. A posting date from within this period is then usedautomatically.
The program can be run either in test or production mode (see the "Testrun" program parameter).

The program creates a list of all the documents with the specificationas to whether a reverse posting is possible (test run) or was generated(production run). You can print out this list. After the test run, youcan generate the reverse postings from the list of documents for whicha reverse posting is possible.

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