SAP Program SAPF071 - Adjust Balances after Comparing Documents/Transaction Figures

If a financial accounting comparative analysis (SAPF190) or acomparison of documents and transaction figures (SAPF070) shows thatthere are differences between documents and transaction figures, youcan use this program to make an adjustment. The documents form thebasis for this adjustment. The program adjusts the (redundant)transaction figures, which are only totals of amounts from documents.

All of the following listed requirements must be fulfilled:
A financial accounting comparative analysis (SAPF190) or a comparisonof documents and transaction figures (SAPF070) must be made, anddifferences must be found between documents and transaction figures.
There must not be any inconsistent documents found. These are listed inboth SAPF070 and SAPF190 as well as in this program.
There cannot be any problems in the other modules. Caution: Youhave to check this yourself. Financial Accounting may be correct butthe other modules may not be, and this will adversely affect theprogram run.
You can only make the adjustment in the ledgers which are compared byprogram SAPF070. This is ledger 00 or a user-defined ledger for allparallel local currencies except the group currency. (The programdisplays these ledgers). You have to adjust any additional ledgers aswell as average balance ledgers yourself.
No documents during the period in which you are adjusting transactionfigures can be archived. Caution: You must ensure that thesedocuments are not archived by establishing appropriate organizationalrules and procedures.
Only use this program after consulting with SAP or after checkingthe prerequisites thoroughly.
You should adjust all differences together for a single company code.By setting the program parameters you can limit the adjustment to G/Lcurrency types or to balances in subledgers.
It is advisable to execute a test run first, which will list anydifferences that are found.


Repair program authorization group (F_005)
Company code authorization (F_BKPF_BUK)

216955RFEWA010: No correction for ledger 0