SAP Program SAPF058V - FI, Vendor Master Data Archiving: Proposal List

Program SAPF058V allows you to automatically set archivable vendormaster data for archiving. The same checks are carried out as witharchiving.
Firstly a proposal list is issued. You can set and save the archiveflag in this list.
If the program is started in the background, the archive flag is setautomatically for all archivable data.
Archiving itself is only permitted for master records where thearchiving flag is set. If a proposed archivable data record is toactually be archived, the archiving flag must be set.
You can restrict the quantity of master records to be checked byselecting

  • Vendor numbers

  • Minimum number of days in the system

  • Company codes, if FI data is to be considered

  • Purchasing organization, if MM data is to be considered

  • System criteria (see below)
  • Precondition

    Program modes
    The program can be run in three different modes:
    Only general data is set for archiving (A segments)
    Only application-specific data is set for archiving (B segments)
    General and application-specific data is set for archiving

    Check whether data can be archived
    Mode 1: The A segments selected must be set for archiving, and nodependencies to B segments may exist. For example, no company code datamay exist for a vendor if the general data is to be archived.
    Mode 2: The application-specific data must satisfy the relevantapplication criteria:
    FI: Company code data is archivable if no special G/L figures ortransaction figures and no open or cleared items exist. In addition,the archive flag must be set at company code level.
    MM: Purchasing organization data is archivable if the archive flag isset at this level.
    Mode 3: The A or B segments selected must be set for archiving. The Aand B segments of a record are deleted if the archive flag is set inthe A segment. The B segment only of a record is deleted if the archiveflag is set in the B segment (in this case, the A segment is onlycopied to the archive). In addition, the application-specific data mustalso satisfy the criteria from mode 2.
    The A segments are archived if all of the dependent B segments arearchived and the vendor is not referred to anywhere else. If this isnot the case, the A segments are copied into the archive.
    For all modes: Vendors cannot be archived if they are referred to on ageneral/company code level from other vendors (for example, financialaddress or alternative payee). This check can be deselected however(use the field "FI link validation off") if you know that all thevendors that refer to the first vendor are to be archived in this or afollowing run.

    According to the selection, a list of the general and/or application-specific data that can be archived is output. You can change and savethe archive flags in the list.
    If "Vendors that cannot be archvd" is set on the selection screen, thenon-archivable data is also listed with the reason that it could not bearchived.
    A warning may be issued for the general data: In this case, the Asegment record was not deleted from the database, instead, it wascopied to the new archive. This can lead to different versions of the avendor in the database and the archive and must be noted for futurereloads. Usually, a warning or an error in the general data can beexplained in more detail with the help of the application-specificdetails.
    If the archive flags are saved from the first list, or if the programis started in the background, a second list is output. All of thesuccessful and failed updates of the archive flags are listed here.

    If you are starting this program for the first time and you want tocarry our the FI link validation (standard setting), you have to startprogram SAPF047 first, in order to generate the validation information
    (table KLPA).

    Related programs
    Archiving SAPF058, Deletion SAPF058D, Retrieval SAPF059.