SAP Program SAPF058ALEDEL - FI Customer Master Record Data Deletion Program (ALE)

Program SAPF058ALEDEL deletes vendor master data in a systemenvironment in which vendor master data is distributed usingApplication Link Enabling (ALE).
The program only deletes data where the original is not in the systemin which the program is being run. Business Transaction Events (BTE)decide on a general, company code, and purchase data level, in whichsystem a data record has its original.
You can restrict the quantity of master records to be deleted byselecting

  • Vendor numbers

  • Company codes, if FI data is to be taken into account

  • Purchasing organization, if MM data is to be taken into account

  • System criteria (see below)

  • Note also that only master data where the deletion flag is set is takeninto account (see below).


    Program modes
    The program can be run in three different modes:
    It can delete only general data (A segments)
    It can delete only application-specific data (B segments)
    Both general and application-specific data is deleted

    Check whether data can be deleted
    Mode 1: The A segments selected must be marked for deletion, and theremust be no more dependencies to B segments. For example, no companycode date may exist for a vendor if the general data is to be deleted.
    Also, general data cannot be deleted if the vendor is a businesspartner of another vendor, or if one of his contact persons is alsoassigned as contact partner to another vendor (table KNVP: Partnerusage).
    Mode 2: The application-specific data selected must satisfy theappropriate application criteria:

    • FI: Company code data can be deleted if there are no special G/L
    • figures or transaction figures, and if there are no open or cleareditems. In addition, the deletion flag must be set at company codelevel.
      Mode 3: The A or B segments selected must be marked for deletion. Arecord is deleted in the A and B segment if the deletion flag is set inthe A segment. A record is deleted only in the B segment if thedeletion flag is set in the B segment. In addition, theapplication-specific data must satisfy the criteria in mode 2.
      The A segments are deleted when all the dependent B segments aredeleted and the vendor is not referenced anywhere else.


      Detail log
      If 'Detail log' is set on the selection screen, several lists areoutput that display the master that has not been deleted separatelyaccording to general and application-specific data. The reason that thedata was not deleted is also displayed.

      Summary log
      A summary log is always issued after the detail log. The first partcontains information about the quantity of general data read and whichcould be deleted. Then the statistics about the different applicationsare given. At the end of the summary log, general data about thedeletion run, for example, user name and selection is output.

      If you are starting this deletion program for the first time and youwant to carry out the link check (standard setting), you have to startprogram SAPF047 first, in order to generate the link information.