SAP Program SAPF057 - FI: Customer Master Record Archiving: Retrieval Program

Program SAPF057 reloads archived customer master data including generaldata, all FI data, and all SD data that are contained in the archivefile for one object. You can limit the amount of data for reloading byentering selections. The computer on which you start importing the datamust have access to the archive file.
To determine the archive name (for example, for a batch operation), youcan use SAP's archive management via transaction SARA.

You can limit the amount of customer data for reloading by specifyingthe account number. If the account number in the archive is the same asyour selection, the program reloads the customer data into the SAPSystem and deletes it from the archive. The reloaded data has no specialindicator and is in its original form.
If the account cannot be imported because of your selection or technicalproblems, the program opens a new archive file which contains alldocuments not reloaded (remaining data file). The other archives are nolonger valid.
Furthermore you can select the usual options, test run (only displaydata, no reload) and detail log (log at object level).

What can be reloaded
Customer data can be fully reloaded if the following criteria are met:
General: The account is within your selection (see above).
FI: All company codes in the account company code data are created.
FI/SD: Master data, stored in the archive, no longer exists at thecompany code level and in the sales area.
SD: The sales area (organization/dist. channel/division) exists and isauthorized for customer data.
It is, however, possible to reload master data even if the generalrecord belonging to it still exists (condition: the record must be thesame as the one stored in the archive). Therefore, it is possible thatonly the company code data is deleted during archiving while generaldata is merely copied into the archive.

Before working with this program, you must make sure that theappropriate achive files are available on the local disk so that theprogram can access them.

The output lists in the detail log correspond to those for archiving.First, the program outputs the customer data that cannot be reloaded,separating it according to general data and data at the task level andspecifying the reason why data could not be reloaded. Then, the programlists all records reloaded, separating them again according to generaldata and data in the task area.
The following error messages and warnings may be displayed in the log:

  • Account not selected: The account is not reloaded because you did not
  • select it.
    • General data already exists: The account is fully reloaded because the
    • general data already in the system is the same as the data stored in thearchive.
      • General data exists and is different: Unlike the account in the previous
      • example, this account is not reloaded since the general data thatalready exists is different from the data stored in the archive.
        • Special error found: This error type appears when a program error
        • occurs. The object is not reloaded but placed in the remaining datafile.
          • The following messages refer to an error in another area. For more
          • information you must check the detail log in the respective area.
            Error adding general data in the database
            Error adding FI data in the database
            Error adding SD data in the database
            because of the general data (see data)
            because of the FI data (see data)
            because of the SD data (see data)
            General information on the program run is displayed in the overview log.The system also outputs a statistic showing the number of records read,copied, and archived. This occurs at the general data level and the tasklevel.


            Related programs
            Where as program SAPF056 carries out archiving (selection and filecreation), program SAPF056D deletes the G/L accounts which have beenstored in the archive file.

            Independent of Release
            Basically all archives from prior Releases can be reloaded or read.
            Yet for archives from Release 2.0, you must take note that, because ofthe information in the 2.0 archive, neither an automatic code pageconversion (for example, EBCDIC -> ASCII) nor a number format conversioncan be carried out. The same applies to structure changes carried out inthe customer tables in an SAP 2.0 Release.