SAP Program SAPF056V - FI Customer Master Data Archiving: Proposal List

Program SAPF056V allows you to automatically set archive indicators forvendor master data that can be archived. The system carries out thesame checks as it usually carries out for archiving.
The system creates a proposal list. You can set and save the archivingindicators directly in this list.
If you start the program in the background, the archiving indicatorsare automatically set for all archivable data.
You can archive only those master records for which the indicators havebeen set. If you want to archive a data record displayed as archivable,you must therefore set the indicator under "Archive selections".
The number of master records to be checked depends on the followingselections:

  • Customer numbers

  • Minimum number of days in the system

  • Company codes (if FI data is to be taken into account)

  • Sales organization (if SD data is to be taken into account) and

  • System conditions (see criteria below).
  • Precondition

    Program Modes
    This program can be run in three different modes:
    Only general archiving data is specified (so-called A segments)
    Only application-specific data for archiving is specified (so-called Bsegments)
    Both general data and application-specific data is specified (eithergeneral and FI data, or general and SD data).

    Check on Whether Data can be Archived
    Mode 1: There must be no dependencies between the selected general dataand the application-specific data. For example, company code data for acustomer must not still exist if the general data is to be archived.
    Furthermore, you cannot archive the general data if the customer is abusiness partner of another customer, or one of his contact persons isalso assigned to another customer as a contact person (table KNVP:Customer Master Partner Functions)
    To enable archiving itself to take place, you must set the archivingindicator.
    Mode 2: The selected application-specific data must fulfill thefollowing application criteria:

    • FI: You can archive company code data provided the following do not
    • exist:
      Special G/L figures
      Transaction figures
      Open items
      Cleared items.
      The archiving indicator must also be set at company code level.
      • SD: You can archive sales area data if the customer for the sales area
      • is not active in a customer hierarchy (table KNVH) and the customer andhis contact person are not active as a partner in sales documents(VBPA). For performance reasons, the sales document check can also beswitched off. To enable archiving to take place, the archivingindicator must be set at sales organization level.
        Mode 3: The application-specific data must fulfill the criteria in mode2. General data is archived once all dependent application-specificdata has been archived and there are no other references to thiscustomer.
        The following criteria is applicable with regard to archiving itself:
        Both the general and application-specific data of the master record isarchived if you set the archiving indicator in the general datasegment. To archive the application-specific data only, set the archiveselection indicator in the application-specific segment only (in whichcase the general data segment is merely copied into the archive).General data segments without the corresponding application-specificsegments are not archived in this mode.
        For all modes: Customer data cannot be archived if the customer inquestion is linked at general data or company code level to anothercustomer (for example, via fiscal address or alternative payee). Thischeck can however be switched off (by selecting the field "FI linkvalidation off") if you know that all linked customers are archived.

        If you run this program online, it displays a list of general dataand/or application-specific data that can be archived (depending onyour selections). You can then alter and save the archive selections.
        If you selected "non-archivable customers" on the selection screen, theprogram also displays the data that could not be archived, togetherwith the reasons why it could not be archived.
        A warning is also possible for general data, and if such a warning isissued, this means the general data record was not deleted from thedatabase, but copied into the new archive. This can lead to differentversions of a customer in the database and in the archive and must betaken into account during subsequent reloading. Theapplication-specific data can usually be used to shed light on thereasons for a warning or an error relating to the general data.
        If (when working online) you save the list of archive indicators shownon the first list or you start this program as a background job, asecond list is displayed detailing all updates of archive selections(both successful and erroneous).

        If you are running this program for the first time and you have carriedout the FI validation link check (default setting), then you must firststart program SAPF047 (in order to generate the link information(KLPA)).

        Related Programs
        Archiving SAPF056, Deletion SAPF056D, Reloading SAPF057.