SAP Program SAPF056D - FI: Customer Master Data Archiving: Deletion Program


SAPF056D is the deletion program for customer master data archiving.Archiving is carried out in two steps: first the master data to bearchived is selected (program SAPF056) and written to an archive file.Then the deletion program SAPF056D is started from SAPF056 for eacharchive file (there may be several per archiving run). SAPF056D importsthe archive and deletes the read data from the database.
It is not therefore necessary to start this program manually unless thebatch job for SAPF056D results in an abnormal termination.

If you start the program manually (for example, after an abnormaltermination), a selection screen with the fields test run, detail logand restart appears.
You choose an archive file or a full archiving run for deletion byselecting from a selection screen.
The test run and detail log have the same purpose as in program SAPF056that is, the test run simulates a run and the detail log issues a logat object level.
Select the 'Restart' function if a run which terminated abnormally hasalready been carried out for the specified archive. The program thensearches for the correct position from which to proceed with deletion.

The same conditions apply as for SAPF056.

If the detailed log was selected, a list of every single deleted recordis issued. This is followed by a summarized log.