SAP Program SAPF048X - Archiving of Financial Accounting Documents: Repair to Existing Mgt

Program SAPF048X enables you to construct or repair the extended archivemanagement that is also used as a description of contents or table ofcontents.
Extended archive management is offered as a file info option in thearchive selection window. It is also an option in archive management forfinancial accounting documents. Extended archive management is also usedfor the search strategy "Search according to Archive Management" whenaccessing a document in an archive. This strategy can be selected byevery user of financial accounting transactions in their user options(transaction FB00).

You have implemented archiving for financial accounting documents. Yourarchives were created either with an SAP Release prior to 4.0 or yourextended management data is corrupted for some reason.

Selection Screen
Under "Selection of archive types" you select which archives are to beused for processing according to the archive status. For purposes ofcomparison, you should also view the management entries for financialaccounting document archives (transaction F48V). Under "Data sources"you can remove or add particular archives.
The options under "Processing" allow you to choose whether you want toconstruct extended management records for archives that up til now havenot had such records (especially those archives from Releases prior to4.0) or edit existing management entries.
The parameters under "Program control" allow you to choose whetherchanges should be made in archive management (Testrun on/off) andwhether you want a detail log for all documents found in the archives.
The standard group "Data sources" allows you to select or removeindividual archives. You can also select "All archives" that exist atthe point you carry out this program.

The program log displays the selection parameters you chose, followed bya table of processed archives with their size and the R/3 Release atwhich they were created.
The second block of text is a list of the management entries found inthe archives, at both the highest and lowest level of detail. Dependingon the level of detail, the entries refer to one company code, a fiscalyear and a document type in each archive. The number of documents(number of document-based archive indexes) and the number ofaccount-based archive indexes (minus twin account assignments within adocument) is also given. It also documents whether, at the time thisprogram is carried out, these archive indexes are complete in thedatabase. Finally, all data belonging to an archive is displayed,followed by display of all archives at the completion of the log block.
A third block lists the archives that were not included in theevaluation with a short description as to why.
If you chose to have a detail log, the log ends by listing all thedocuments found in the archives. You can see the individual documents,the number of line items and their position in the archive. From thislist, you can then branch to displaying the document.