SAP Program SAPF048S - Archiving of Financial Accounting Docs: Creation of Secondary Indexes

Program SAPF048S is a search program for finding archived documents.However, this program is not dependent on the existence in the systemof a secondary index or archive index, but rather works by checkingthrough a certain number of selected archives directly.
This report can also make entries in the archive and secondary indexesfor any documents found.

Selection Screen
The general selection criteria allow you to search for documents incertain company codes, or by their use or by time period or evendirectly by their numbers.
Selecting a general type of document allows you to run a morewide-ranging search for documents relevant to accounting and/or parkeddocuments and/or statistical documents.
The third set of selections allows you to search for documents on thebasis of the accounts involved in the transaction (G/L, customer orvendor acounts). The program selects any document which contains theselected type of account in at least one of its line items.
In the 'Archive selection' section of the screen, you can also specifythat the program only search for documents in certain parts of thearchive.
In the 'Log attributes' section of the screen you can modify the log sothat the documents are sorted. If you do not want them to be sorted,the selected documents appear in the order in which they are stored inthe archive.
The "Find doc.-related data in DB" option allows you to have theprogram check the consistency of the data in the archive, i.e. itsearches for any data from the archived documents that is stillresident in the database.

You do not need to configure the program in any special way beforerunning it.

807726FI_DOCUMNT: Archive index ARIX_BKPF is replaced by SAP AS