SAP Program SAPF010_NACC - Carry Forward Receivables/Payables

This program calculates the balance carried forward for customersand/or vendors.
The balances of the previous year are carried forward to the new year.If the account has not yet been posted in the new year and no balancecarried forward has been carried out for this account, the account isopened inthe new year with the 1st balance carried forward; otherwise,the balance carried forward of the account is stored in the new year ifchanges result.
When posting into a previous year, the system carries forward thebalance automatically. This is independent of whether the program hasalready run or not. "posting to a previous year" means that the postingdate of the document has an earlier year than the entry date. Thisautomatic carrying forward also occurs accumulatively over severalyears that means a posting in January 1993 with the posting dateDecember 1991 changes the balance carried forward for 1992 and 1993.
SAP recommends that the program is run at the beginning of the newfiscal year. If the program is already run at the end of the lastfiscal year, postings which are posted after this to the last fiscalyear, do not result in automatic adjustment of the balance carriedforward because it is not a "posting to a previous year". In such acase, it is necessary t let the program run again after these postingsto carry forward the postings entered later.
The program can be started as often as desired.
Nevertheless, you can post to the new year if the program has not yetrun. When posting, the accounts, however, with a balance carriedforward of greater than zero are opened. Postings in the previous yeardo increase this balance carried forward, but do not carry forward thetotal of the items already posted in the old year to the new year; thebalance carried forward only has the items posted by the new year intothe previous year, but not the items posted in the previous yearitself.


Part 1: Statistics - number of accounts to be carried forward is sortedaccording to company code, account type and special G/L indicator
Part 2: Detail log - information for each account to be carried forwardon the amount to which the balance carried forward is to be changed (inthe test run) or was changed (in production run)
The output of the detail log can be deselected on the selection screen.