SAP Program SAPDBRHL - Selection of Inventory Count Records (History) for Archiving

The database selects physical inventory history records forarchiving, that is, it only provides records for an inventory number(for example, different counts for a storage bin) for which there isa record with status: written off from WM, that is, the physicalinventory must be completed. If an archive name (read) is entered,the records can also be read directly from the archive.
The standard selection screen is automatically generated.
The selection parameters are:
Warehouse number
Runtime, that is, only documents whose date of physical inventoryis before the current date minus the runtime in days.
Only test run: only together with the archiving tool
Generate archive: No archive needs to be generated in the test run
With the logical database, physical inventory documents can onlybe selected in warehouse numbers for which the user has anauthorization.