SAP Program SAPDBQMQ - Logical Database for Master Inspection Characteristics


LOGIC DB for DELETING/REORGANIZING the master inspectioncharacteristics

1) ONLINE accesses to database: screen 900
The logic database is used to display master inspection characteristicswith corresponding descriptions.
The texts are displayed in the system language, if possible. If theyare not available in the system language, they are displayed in thefirst lanuage found.
The inspection methods and inspection catalogs assigned to thecharacteristic can also be displayed if required.

* outputs the master inspection char. in acc. with the selection
* criterial with the descriptions
* outputs the inspection methods assigned to the mast. insp. character.
2) ONLINE reading of the database for archiving and deletion: screen800
Unlike 1) above, the deletion records are also output here.
Additional parameters are available:
a) Client: the client can be defined if the logic database is startedin the batch. If in online: client is set to SY-MANDT and is then onlydisplayed.
b) TEST RUN: if this flag is set, only a list is generated. Thedatabase is NOT UPDATED.
GET QPMKV: outputs the QPMK records (not mixed with texts ...)
GET QPMZ : outputs the assignment records
GET QPMT : outputs the text records for QPMKV
3) Reading the archive file: screen 801
As with 2), the segments are transferred to the report. However, inthis case they are transferred from the archive file.