SAP Program SAPDBPNP - Logical database PNP: Database program

In future, the PNPCE logical database should beused for new developments instead of the PNP logical database.

The logical database PNP performs the following functions in Reporting:

  • provides the standard selection screen for the HR master data

  • makes the specified selections

  • checks whether the user has the necessary authorizations to read the
  • data
    The logical database is assigned to a report by maintaining the"Logical database PNP" report attribute.
    The selection screen can then be created by assigning a HR reportclass.
    In the report itself, the persons, along with the specified infotypesat the GET PERNR event are retrieved from the logical database inaccordance with the selections entered. Furthermore, the system checksthe authorization for data access.
    You can use the GET PAYROLL event to evaluate payroll results.

    The structure PERNR must be declared in the TABLES statement.
    If you use the GET PAYROLL event, the hrpy_rgdir and hrpy_wpbp tablesmust be stored in the TABLES statement. The PAYROLL structure iscompleted using the NODES statement. Enter 900 for the selectionscreen. This ensures that the personnel numbers at the GET PERNR eventare selected using payroll results and not master data. Use PAYROLL asthe report class. A sample report is EXAMPLE_PNP_GET_PAYROLL, and youcan find additional information in the report documentation.

503174Translation error selection text PNPKOKTL co.area/position
138526Authorization check in reports incorrect