SAP Program SAPDBPCH - Treiber zur Datenbank PCH

The database driver SAPDBPCH fulfils the following functions inreporting:

  • It provides the standard selection screen for planning data.

  • It retrieves data from the file PLOG and carries out the chosen
  • selections.
    • It checks that the user has the required authorization to read the
    • data.
      You activate the database driver by maintaining the report attributes'Logical Database PC Application H'. From here you access the reportgenerally via the standard selection screen.
      In the report itself, from the point of GET OBJEC, the database driverretrieves the chosen selections from the file PLOG as stipulated andchecks the authorization.
      The structure declaration OBJEC in the TABLES instruction is theprerequisite. If, in addition to the structure OBJEC, the structureGDSTR is defined, the parameter for structure evaluation is added tothe standard selection screen. This enables structure evaluations viaevaluation paths.