SAP Program SAPDBMSM - Access Program for Database MSM

Program SAPDBMSM contains the access routines for reporting. Allreports using the database MSM in the attributes can analyze materialdata.
The standard selection screen is generated automatically.
Selection can be made according to the following criteria:

  • Material

  • Plant

  • Storage location

  • Batch

  • Valuation area

  • Valuation type

  • Sales organization

  • Distribution channel

  • Warehouse number

  • Storage type.

  • Authorization checks are carried out by the database at the followinglevels:
    • Company code

    • Plant

    • Sales data

    • Warehouse number

    • If a selection is made with the valuation area and also with the plant(that is, the relevant program contains the instruction GETMBEWVand also the instruction GETMARCV), and valuation is at plantlevel, the valuation area is not displayed on the selection screenbecause it is equal to the plant.