SAP Program SAPDBMDF - FM Master Data Mass Selection

Logical database SAPDBMDF


The SAPDBMDF program controls access to master data in FundsManagement. Since the program only contains physical access routinesfor the logical database, you cannot start it separately.

Technical documentation
The standard delivered for logical database SAPDBMDF contains thefollowing:

  • Basic selection screen (selection screen number 1000)

  • Contains all available database selections. If changes are made todatabase selections (such as including a new selection criterion), thisscreen is regenerated automatically by the system. It is thenimmediately available to all programs which use logical database MDF.
    • Selection screen variants

    • Selection screen variant are available in reporting by entering theselection screen number in attributes.
      For selection of commitment items
      For selection of funds centers

      Available fields
      The fields available on a selection screen are marked with an "X".
      Selection screen variant
      Field name 1000 FIP FIC
      FM area x x x
      Fiscal year x x x
      Fund x
      Funds center x x
      Key date x x
      Plan variant x x
      Commitment item x x
      Attribute: Postable x x
      Commitment item category x x
      Financial transaction x x
      Role in Col.Bdgt Admin. x x
      Attribute: Statistical x x

      Note on performance
      To improve performance you can control which tables or which fields ofa table are to be viewed.

      • Selective viewing of complete database tables

      • You can use the table FMSG described below which controls whetherinformation for an individual segment is needed.
        • Selective viewing of individual fields of a database table.

        • The GET result offers the possibility of naming the fields needed forthe program. As a result, the database burden is eased because onlythose fields are transported to the application server that are needed(not supported for BSPE segment).
          Individual tables can be exempted from the selection in order toincrease performance. You can set the following fields in theapplication program during INITIALIZATION or START-OF-SELECTION:
          • FMSG-XPPLN (default BLANK) : If this field is set to "X", then the
          • chart of commitment items data is read for the FKRS segment.
            • FMSG-XFFND (default BLANK) : If this field is set to "X", then no data
            • for a specific fund is read.
              • FMSG-XFCTR (default BLANK) : If this field is set to "X", then no funds
              • center data is read.
                • FMSG-XZBSP (default BLANK) : If this field is set to "X", then the
                • budget structure element assignment data is read.
                  • FMSG-XTXTM (default BLANK) : If this field is set to "X", then no
                  • master data texts are read.

                    Authorization check
                    FM area (display authorization)

                    • Fund authorization group (display authorization)

                    • Funds center authorization group (display authorization)

                    • Commitment item authorization group (display authorization)

                    • FM account assignment authorization group (display authorization
                    • Notes on programming
                      The MDF logical database allows the programer to adapt the selectionprogram to their needs.

                      • In Release 3.0, it is possible to read individual fields from database
                      • tables using OPEN SQL statements. The MDF logical database supportsthis option. During the reduction of the number of fields to be read bythe database, performance can improve considerably. You can specify thefields to be selected either in the GET or write them in theSELECT_FIELDS table during INITIALIZATION. The table is available toall selection programs which use the MDF logical database. TheSELECT_FIELDS internal table may ONLY be changed during INITIALIZATION.