SAP Program SAMPLE_ADJUST_BILLDOC - Adjust Billing Document

This report is a sample solution and intended as a copytemplate for a customer solution. The report cancels processing
before billing documents are adjusted.
You must not run a report that adjusts billing documents for testpurposes in a live system because it generates posting-relevant do
cuments for the contract acconut (FI-CA)!

Billing documents are adjusted when adjustment document data is copiedfrom external systems. See the documentation for the function moduleBAPI_BILLDOC_ADJUST.

Under the following circumstances, it may be advisable to use a customerreport to adjust billing documents:

  • You want to test invoicing for contract accounts in a test system.

  • It is not possible in the test system to copy external adjustment data
  • using the above BAPI .

    You can use this report as a template for your own solution. Copy thereport and remove the source text that causes processing to be canceled.Adjust the report to meet your requirements.