
Validation of Sales Org Data before Sales Org data can be migrated.

This module has to be integrated with transaction MIGR and the usershould be able to execute this module from the MIGR transaction mainscreen.

The flat files with table and field names for field vkorg, vkbur,vkgrp, vtweg abd spart and the field combination should be present on Cdrive. Else the program will give an error and stop.

1. Upload of the table and field names from Flat files into internaltables. The flat files should be kept on C drive. For this functionmodule GUI_UPLOAD is being used. To this function module pass the nameof the internal tablw where the data is to be uploaded and the Filenamefrom where the data is to be uploaded. The uploaded values are storedin internal tables.
2. The table names and field names are seperated and validation isdone based on fieldnames for individual fields. This is done inperform UPLOAD_VALIDATE
3. Perform UPLOAD is being used for upload of table and fields names.
4. Perform VALID_GROUP ( with group number) is used for validatingfield combinations. If the validation is complete and there are noinvalid records, then SALES ORG data migration takes place aftervalidation.
5.,,If there are invalid records, invalid records are displayed onscreen and the user can either create those records in CRM and runvalidation again till the time there are no invalid records, or he cancancel the operation and come out of the program. For this options havebeen provided either to Leave Screen or to Validate Again.
6.,,A success/completion message is displayed once validation is over.