SAP Programs

Program Text
CNRCRMPRSAP40013 Reference for generated form routines per condition tables
CNRCRMPRSAP40014 Reference for generated form routines per condition tables
CNRCRMPRSAP40015 Reference for generated form routines per condition tables
CNRCRMPRSAP40016 Reference for generated form routines per condition tables
CNRCRMPRSAP40118 Reference for generated form routines per condition tables
CNRCRMPRSAP40200 Reference for generated form routines per condition tables
CNRCRMPRSAPDRM01 Reference for generated form routines per condition tables
CNRTAXPRSAP003 Reference for generated form routines per condition tables
CNRTTEPRSAP00001 Reference for generated form routines per condition tables
CNRTTEPRSAPE0011 Reference for generated form routines per condition tables
CNRTTEPRSAPE0012 Reference for generated form routines per condition tables
CNRTTEPRSAPE0013 Reference for generated form routines per condition tables
CNRTTEPRSAPE0014 Reference for generated form routines per condition tables
CNRTTEPRSAPE1001 Reference for generated form routines per condition tables
CNRTTEPRSAPE1003 Reference for generated form routines per condition tables
CNRTTEPRSAPTX001 Reference for generated form routines per condition tables
CNSTATUS Analysis and Correction of Status Inconsistencies in Project Strct Pln
CNS_CP_DELETE Delete Change Pointers
CNS_CP_MONITOR Change Pointer Monitor
CNVCDMCCA_COLLCUSTOBJS_SOLMAN CDMC: Program to obtain Project/Solu Heirarchy from SolMan system
CNVCDMCCTS_DETERMINE_OBJSET CDMC: Change and Transport System Analysis - Determine Object Set
CNVCDMCCTS_GET_CUST_REF_OBJS CDMC: CTS- Determination of Customer objects and Referred SAP Objects
CNVCDMCCTS_GET_ENHANCEMENTS Program to get all the Enhancements
CNVCDMCCTS_GET_MODIFIED_OBJS CDMC : Change and Transport System -Determination of SAP Modifications
CNVCDMCCTS_PERFORM_ENVI_ANAL CDMC : CTS : Perform Environment Analysis
CNVCDMCCTS_PERFORM_USAGE_ANAL CDMC: CTS: Determine usage information from the statistics system
CNVCDMCUCIA_CALCULATE_ADJTIMES CDMC: UCIA - Calculate the Adjustment Times for the Customer Objects
CNVCDMCUCIA_EXT_SUBROUTINES CDMC: UCIA: Analyse impact of changes to SAP Subroutines called ext.
CNVCDMCUCIA_GET_CHANGED_OBJS CDMC : UCIA - Determination of SAP Objects impacted in an Upgrade / SP
CNVCDMCUCIA_GET_COPIED_PROGS CDMC: Clearing Analysis - Identifies SAP clone objects
CNVCDMCUCIA_GET_USED_SAP_OBJS CDMC : UCIA - Determine the SAP Objects used in Customer Objects
CNVCDMCUCIA_IMPACT_ON_CUST_BDC CDMC: UCIA - Analyze the impact of UPGRADE/SPA on customer's BDC progs
CNVCDMCUCIA_KB_GETOBJLIST CDMC: UCIA: Get SAP Objects List for storing in Knowledge Base
CNVCDMCUCIA_KB_GETOBJLIST_SP8 CDMC: UCIA: Get SAP Objects List for storing in Ref. Information Base
CNVCDMCUCIA_PERFORM_REMCOMPARE CDMC : UCIA - Perform remote comparison of the impacted SAP Objects
CNVCDMCUCIA_USED_SAP_OBJS_MAIN CDMC : UCIA - Determine the SAP Objects used in Customer Objects-Main
CNVCDMC_CA_COLLCUSTOBJS_ANAL CDMC BPCA:Collection of Cust objs from Analysis Syst using SolMan info
CNVCDMC_CC_DELETE_PROJECT_CA CDMC Clearing Analysis - Program to delete a project
CNVCDMC_CC_DELETE_PROJECT_CTS CDMC CTS Analysis - Program to delete a project
CNVCDMC_CC_DELETE_PROJECT_UCIA CDMC Clearing Analysis - Program to delete a project
CNV_CDMC_CA_ACTIVATE_STATS CDMC : Activate Statisitics Collection on all the Productive Systems
CNV_CDMC_CA_ADHOC_DISPLAY Display Analysis bsed on various views
CNV_CDMC_CA_BOTTOM_UP CDMC: Clearing Analysis - Determines the set of used programs
CNV_CDMC_CA_COLLECT_CUSTOBJS CDMC: Clearing Analysis - Determination of Custom Objects
CNV_CDMC_CA_COLLECT_SAPMOD CDMC : Clearing Analysis - Determination of SAP Modifications
CNV_CDMC_CA_COLLECT_STAT Read statistic file on application server
CNV_CDMC_CA_COLLECT_STAT_700 Statistics Evaluation Program for release 700 and higher release level
CNV_CDMC_CA_COLLECT_STAT_EVAL New Program for Statistics Evaluation
CNV_CDMC_CA_COLLECT_TAB_STAT CDMC: Collect Table Call statistics
CNV_CDMC_CA_CONFIRM_ANALYSIS CDMC : Confirm Analysis and import all data to Control Center
CNV_CDMC_CA_DISPLAY Display Analysis bsed on various views
CNV_CDMC_CA_EVAL_SHORTDUMP CDMC: Clearing Analysis - Evaluation of Short Dumps
CNV_CDMC_CA_GET_DUPL_DOMS Report for Duplicate Domain determination
CNV_CDMC_CA_GET_EXITS CDMC CA: Collect Transactions Associated with Implemented User Exits
CNV_CDMC_CA_GET_INACTIVE_OBJS CDMC: Clearing Analysis - Determination of Inactive Objects
CNV_CDMC_CA_GET_TRKORR_NR CDMC : Transport Frequency Determination of Modified/Customer objects
CNV_CDMC_CA_IMPLEMEN_USER_EXIT Transaction code for implemented User Exit
CNV_CDMC_CA_IMPORT_STATISTICS CDMC : Import Statistics into the control Center
CNV_CDMC_CA_MASS_COMPARE CDMC : Mass Comparison Report
CNV_CDMC_CA_MASS_DEL CDMC: Clearing Analysis - Mass Deletion Report
CNV_CDMC_CA_OBJS_NO_REF Determines the Customer Objects with no Reference
CNV_CDMC_CA_OBJS_NO_REF_SUB Determines the Customer Objects with no Reference
CNV_CDMC_CA_PROJ_LANDSCAPE Define Project Specific System Landscape
CNV_CDMC_CA_RUNTIME_TRACE CDMC: Clearing Analysis - Evaluates an existing runtime trace file
CNV_CDMC_CA_SHOW_CLEARING_DOCU CDMC : Documentation for the Clearing Functions
CNV_CDMC_CA_SQLTRACE_ANALYSIS Analyze SQL trace file to get information about used modified objects
CNV_CDMC_CA_SYNTAX_CHECK CDMC: Clearing Analysis - Determination of Objects with Syntax Errors
CNV_CDMC_CA_SYNTAX_CHECK_MAIN CDMC: Clearing Analysis - Determination of Objects with Syntax Errors
CNV_CDMC_CA_TABLE_NODATA CDMC Clearing Analysis : Determination of Customer Tables with No Data
CNV_CDMC_CA_TOP_DOWN CDMC: Clearing Analysis - Determines the set of used programs
CNV_CDMC_CA_UPLOAD_EXITS CDMC CA:Upload Reports associated with Exits from Analsysis System
CNV_CDMC_CC_GET_LOGCOMPS_PSYS CDMC SMSY: Get logical components for production system
CNV_CDMC_CC_IMG Create customer projects
CNV_CDMC_CC_IMGDEF Create CDMC Source Project
CNV_CDMC_CC_PROJECT_DATA Displays data of specified project in current system
CNV_CDMC_CC_PROJ_IMG Display selected CDMC Project
CNV_CDMC_CC_SHOW_SAPNOTES CDMC : Show SAP Notes relevant for Clearing Analysis
CNV_CDMC_UCIA_DISP_KWBS CDMC: UCIA: Dispaly Object List from Knowledge base Cluster
CNV_CDMC_UCIA_IMPORT_STATS CDMC UCIA : Import Statistics into the Control Center
CNV_CDMC_UCIA_KWBS_IMP_OBJLIST CDMC UCIA: Program to extract object list & details from Other systems
CNV_CDMC_UCIA_KWBS_IMP_OBL_SP8 CDMC UCIA: Program to extract object list & details from Other systems
CNV_CDMC_UCIA_REM_CMP_AGNST_KB Remote Comparison against Reference Information Base
CNV_CLEAR_BUFFER refresh currency and unit buffer in IPC
CNV_CURR_TEST Test report for RFC calls of Conversion Engine for Currencies
CNV_CURR_TEST1 Test report for RFC calls of Conversion Engine
CNV_TEXT_TEST Test report for RFC calls of Text Engine
CNV_UNIT_TEST Test report for RFC calls of Conversion Engine for Units
CNV_UNIT_TEST1 Test report for RFC calls of Conversion Engine
CN_CDHDR_PROJ Change Document Header, Deleted Project: U -> D
Lines 4901 to 5000 of 57103 entries
1 48 49 50 51 52 572