SAP Program COMPCHECK - Compatibility Check of Server Objects in Exceptions

Compatibility check of server objects referenced via usage exceptionsand with unspecified compatibility status.


  • Client product

  • Release of client product

  • Server product

  • Release of server product

  • Package size: NUmber of exceptions checked without database
  • commit (default value 1000). The value specifies the granularity of therestart capability.
    • Check deletions: X: All objects identified as deleted are
    • rechecked.
      • Complete recalculation: X: All compatibilities are reccalculated.

      • Compare with old results: X: If a new compatibility check is
      • carried out, the previously calculated results are buffered. If the newresult indicates an incompatible change, which was previously classifiedas non-critical, the new result is also set to non-critical.
        • Object type restriction: Only the objects of the specified type
        • are checked.
          • Repeat checks: The objects for which problems arose during the
          • last check are checked again.
