SAP Program COMLWIPWRI - WIP Quantity Document: Write Program

This program enable you to archive data for the archiving objectCO_MLWIP from tables MLWIPHD, MLWIPIT and MLWIPCOREF.

The data to be archived are summarized by orders and saved in archivefiles.
only invalid documentd and documents whose orders no longer exist inthe System are archived. From a technical point of view this means thatdata is only archived if the field VALID, forthe corresponding header data record, is filled with an 'X' in tableMLWIPHD, or if the order relating to the document no longer exists intable AUFK.
The program run results are saved in a log.

The selection of the data you want to archive takes place using theplant and order. You can enter the fiscal year and period if you alsowant to limit the selection to a specific time period.
You must enter a 'To Fiscal Year' date. If no entry is made in thisfield, it is automatically filled with the value 999, so that allperiods are included.
You can choose whether the run should be a test run, where thearchiving will only be simulated, which means no archive files arecreated and no data is deleted from the database, or to create archivefiles but not delete the information from the database. Finally, it isalso possible to create archiving files and delete the information fromthe database, as long as this has been set up in Customizing.