SAP Program COIS_IS_FIELD_CUST - Field Information on Structures of Order Information System

With this report, you can display, set, and change the attributesHide Field and Field is Ready to Accept Input and thefield texts (short, medium, and long) for the fields of allreport structures of the order information system/mass processing,depending on structure name, detail list, order type, mass processingfunction, and language. In the order information system and in massprocessing, the field information set here is evaluated and theinformation then represented accordingly in the columns of the outputlists. You can change the column names or completely hide columns in theoutput lists of the information system and mass processing, for example.You can also specify that certain fields are to be ready to accept inputin the mass-processing function Confirmation.

This report is a further development of the already existing reportRCOTX000. The data of the report RCOTX000 is transferred to the newstructures when this transaction or the order informationsystem/mass-processing function is invoked for the first time, so thatno further maintenance effort is incurred for the data maintainedhitherto in report RCOTX000. Further maintenance must then be carriedout in transaction COISF.

To be able to maintain the attribute Field is Ready to Accept Input
, you must make a selection by detail list. The reason for this isthat there may be different detail lists for a reporting structure, andfield A is to be changeable in one detail list but only displayable inanother. In addition, you must have selected the Expert view.

The following selection criteria are defined on the selection screen:

  • Selection by structure name

  • Selection of information on output structure fields of the orderinformation system via the structure name.
    • Selection by detailed list

    • Selection of information on output structure fields of the orderinformation system via the name of the detailed list.
      • Order category

      • Enter here the order category for which you wish to display or changethe values set for field attributes and field label texts.
        • Mass-processing function

        • Enter here the mass-processing function for which you wish to display orchange the values set for field attributes and field label texts.
          • Structure name

          • The selection parameter structure name is visible only if the selectioncategory selection by Structure Name has been activated. Enterhere the structure name of the reporting structure for which you wish todisplay or change the values set for field attributes and field labeltexts. In this case, the detailed list cannot be determined because areporting structure can be used in several detail lists.
            • Detail list

            • The selection parameter Detail List is visible only if the selectionSelection by Detail List has been activated. Enter here thedetail list for which you wish to display or change the values set forfield attributes and field label texts. The structure name of thereporting structure of the selected detail list is determined anddisplayed automatically.
              • Language

              • Language in which the field label texts are to be read and displayed orchanged.
                • Standard view

                • With the standard view, it is possible to display the currently validsettings for all fields of the reporting structure or the detail list ofthe order information system and the chosen selection criteria specifiedon the selection screen.
                  • Expert view

                  • he Expert view enables you to look at and change all settings, includingthe currently valid ones, for all fields of the reporting structure orthe detail list of the order information system specified on theselection screen.

                    The output of the selected data is carried out with the aid ofALV Grid Control.

                    • Standard view

                    • In the standard view, the valid settings (Hide Field, Field is Readyto Accept Input , and the field label texts) for all fields ofthe selection criteria sepcified on the selection screen are displayed.If you have not changed any field label texts, the field label texts aredetermined from the data element.
                      The settings displayed in this view are taken into account in the orderinformation system or in mass processing. The settings cannot be changedin this view.
                      • Expert view

                      • In the Expert view, all settings made (Hide Field, Field is Ready toAccept Input, and the field label texts) for the reportingstructure specified on the selection screen or the detail list aredisplayed. If no field label texts have been maintained, thecorresponding fields are shown initial on the output screen.
                        In addition, a totals line is generated for each field of the reportingstructure (shown in yellow), which shows the currently valid setting forthe relevant field. These totals lines correspond to the output of thestandard view. If the system has not found any changed field label textsfor the totals line from the valid setting, the field label texts fromthe data element are determined and displayed.
                        Changing settings
                        To be able to change the settings, you must switch to change mode. Youcan switch to change mode via the menu Display/Change List or viathe Display/Change buttons. It is not possible to change thetotals lines. The totals line is recalculated after the changed data hasbeen saved.
                        In change mode, you can additionally delete field label texts (i.e.reset to the data element text) for selected entries in the output list.