SAP Program COCKMLWIPWRI - WIP at Actual Costs: Write Program

This program allows you to archive data for archiving object CO_CKMLWIPfrom tables CKMLHD, CKMLPPWIP, CKMLCRWIP, CKMLMV004WIP, CKMLLAHD,CKMLLAPPWIP, CKMLLACRWIP, and CKMLLAPP.
Data records for this archiving object from tables CKMLHD and CKMLLAHDare only archived by this program and are not deleted from thedatabase.

The data to be archived is stored, by cost estimate number, in archivefiles.
The following data is not archived:

  • Data records whereby the remaining WIP quantity is not equal to zero.
  • (Field QUANREMAIN in Table CKMLPPWIP or CKMLLAPPWIP equals 0).
    • Data records that have an entry in table CKMLPP, field CKMLPP-STATUS
    • that is not 70 AND that also have corresponding data records intable CKMLHD where CKMLHD-MLAST equals 3.
      • Data records whose entries in CKMLLAPP-XCLS in table CKMLLAPP is equal
      • to the initial value for this field.
        • Data records in table CKMLMV004WIP where the entry in field
        • CKMLMV004WIP-MGTYP is not equal to 1, 2, or 3.

          The data to be archived is selected by valuation are and cost estimatenumber. Depending upon the valuation set up in Customizing(TCURM-BWKRS_CUS), the valuation area is either equal to the plant orthe company code. The selection of data records for business processesand activity types takes place by selecting all plants that belong tothe company code that the valuation area is assigned to.
          You can limit the time period for the archiving by entering a fiscalyear and/or period. You are required to enter the To Fiscal Year
          . If you do not make an entry in this field, it will beautomatically filled with the value '999' so that all periodsare included.
          On the selection screen you can choose to:

          • Run this program as a test run, whereby the archiving is only simulated
          • (this means no archive files are created and and no files are deletedfrom the database)
            • Create archive files but not delete any files from the database

            • or
              • Create archive files and delete the files from the database (if this
              • set-up in Customizing).