SAP Program R_SRS_PDC_PI_DELETE_EVENTS - Reorganization of PDC Operations in Retail Store Physical Inventory

With this report you can reorganize the entries in tableWSTI_PDC_EVENT. The program deletes all the table entries in such areorganization run that were created before a certain date. You candefine this date in 2 ways:

  • Make an entry of a number of days.

  • In this case, the program deletes all the entries in the table that areolder than the time frame you entered. This procedure is useful if youwant to run the program at regular intervals. If you enter 0 or leavethe field empty, the program deletes all the entries apart from thosethat were created on today's date.
    • You enter the date directly.

    • SAP recommends this procedure if you do not want to run the program ona regular basis.

      The system only creates entries in table WSTI_PDC_EVENT if you use thePDC functionality in SAP Retail Store physical inventory. The entriesin this table are the basis for the PDC monitor in SAP Retail Storephysical inventory.

      SAP recommends you create a variant that is executed once a month. Inthis case, you can, for example, make entries in the selection screenas follows:

      • The option "Determine Automatically (for Periodical Start)" is chosen.

      • In the "Number of Days" input field, the value 180 has been entered.

      • This procedure ensures that all the entries are deleted by the programthat are older than 6 months. The deleted entries can no longer bedisplayed using the PDC monitor in SAP Retail Store physical inventory.