SAP Programs

Program Text
RWSIDOCLIKOND Generate IDocs for Listing Conditions Directly
RWSLCHEK Test Program for Analyzing Assortment List Customizing
RWSMAHNG Replies Pending (Generate Reminders/Accept Planned Quantities)
RWSNASTR Editing of Message Records Processed with Errors
RWSNASTV NAST Record Processing (Bundling, Entry for Call in RSNAST00)
RWSOPAAW Allocation Instruction
RWSORALL Reorganize Listing Conditions By Material Group
RWSORBT1 Assortment Copy
RWSORBT2 Delete all articles in assortment via batch input
RWSORHB1 Convert Plants (Retail) from 1.1 to 1.2
RWSORLIARTI Mass Listing With Selection Via Material And Assortment
RWSORLIKON Conversion program WLK1
RWSORLIKON1 Conversion program WLK1
RWSORT00 Test: which segments are required for assortment/material combination
RWSORT01 Listing Conditions
RWSORT02 Check listing rules
RWSORT03 Is material listed?
RWSORT05 Change individual listing of material/distribution chain
RWSORT06 Delete individual listing of material/distribution chain
RWSORT07 Automatic Relisting Using Changes To Master Data
RWSORT07A Automatic Relisting Via Changes to Assortment Master Data
RWSORT07B Automatic Relisting by Changing Plant Master Data
RWSORT07L Automatic Relisting by Changing Layout Data
RWSORT08 Display plants/material groups
RWSORT09 Listing / Selling Periods Due to Expire
RWSORT10 Retail Master Data - General Control
RWSORT11 Material Groups - Material - Assortments Consistency Check
RWSORT12 Customers per Assortment
RWSORT13 Assortment per Assortment User
RWSORT14 Create Individual Listing Material/Assortment
RWSORT15 Change Individual Listing Material/Assortment
RWSORT16 Delete Individual Listing Material/Assortment
RWSORT17 Mass Listing of Value-Only Materials
RWSORT18 Display / edit material master segments that cannot be generated
RWSORT19 Finish material master segments that cannot be generated
RWSORT20 Display Listing Conditions Using Layout Module
RWSORT21 Materials in Module
RWSORT22 Modules In Assortment
RWSORT23 Assortment Structure Per Assortment
RWSORT24 Assortment Grades Information
RWSORT25 Listing Analysis / Possible Causes of Listing and Problems
RWSORT27 Material/Material Group Consistency Check
RWSORT28 Material per customer
RWSORT29 Process Listing From The Material List Per Assortment
RWSORT31 Material List of a Vendor for Assortment
RWSORT32 Materials in Module
RWSORT33 Module for Material
RWSORT34 Display Change Documents For The Listing Conditions
RWSORT36 Delete Assortment
RWSORT40 Material Discontinuation
RWSORT41 Function Level of Material Discontinuation
RWSORT42 Display Errors in Material Discontinuation
RWSORT43 Material Discontinuation (Vendor/Material Discontinuation)
RWSORT44 Material Discontinuation (Material/Plant Discontinuation)
RWSORT45 Discontinuing material (mat. discontinuation for distribution chains)
RWSORT46 Display the Discontinuation Status of a Material
RWSORT47 Discontinue Material After Exception Analysis
RWSORT48 Material Discontinuation for an Assortment
RWSORT52 Simplified Checks for Set Deletion Flags
RWSORT53 Deletion of Obselete Listing Conditions
RWSORT54 Delete Out-of-Date Change Documents for WLK1 and ASMODULE
RWSORT55 Adjusting the Names of Profile Modules
RWSORT56 Deletion of Expired WRSZ Entries
RWSORT60 Display Materials That Are Listed More Than Once for a Plant
RWSORT61 Create Material Data from the Listing
RWSORT61DEL Deleting Job Entries When Assigning a Plant to an Assortment
RWSORT61DIS Display Jobs When Assigning a Plant to an Assortment
RWSORT62 Determining the Average Number of WLK1 for Materials
RWSORT63 Display Assortment Modules That Are Assigned to a Plant More Than Once
RWSORT64 Evaluation of Listing Conditions
RWSORT65 Listing of Materials From MAP
RWSORT65DIS Display Jobs When Assigning a Plant to an Assortment
RWSORT66 Migration Program: Generate Assortments from Layouts
RWSORT70 Assortment Assignment Tool
RWSORTA1 Compare Promotion POs and Promotion Sales Orders
RWSORTF1 Correction After Assortment Grade Change
RWSORTK1 Listing Conditions per Assortment
RWSORTPR Report for Printing Complex Code
RWSORTWRS1A Filling Fields in Table WSR1
RWSORTZ1 Delete Ind. Listing of Material
RWSPMAPL Space Management: Display Error Logs
RWSSOINI Space management: Initialize and check space management profile
RWSTRNDELALLOC Delete allocation tables created by the prepack allocation planning
RWSTRNPOSTPP Post Prepack Allocation Planning Data
RWSVZUKT Create Selection Variants - Key Figure Cats. + Inc. Generation
RWTOBALE Program to generate plant transport
RWTOBGEN Create transport objects
RWTOBGT2 Generate table entries for WRFT2 plant transport
RWTY0001 Collective Call for Automatic Processing of Warranty Claims
RWTY009 Change of Catalog URLs
RWTYAP Program RWTYAP : Action profile maintenance
RWTYARCH01 Program for Archiving of Warranty Claims -> Write to Archive
RWTYARCH02 Program for Deleting Warranty Claims with Index Structure Using ADK
RWTYARCH03 Program for Reading Archives for Warranty Claims (Technical Display)
RWTYARCH04 Display Archived Warranty Claims
RWTYARCH06 Program for Index Struct. from Archive Data Using ADK for Warr. Claim
RWTYATAB Definition of Tab Strips for Warranty Claim
Lines 50401 to 50500 of 57103 entries
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