SAP Program RWWPOSWS - Conversion of scan currency for sites

In the retail environment it is mandatory to call this report. Itshould be started prior to productive use of Release 4.0.

This report automatically enters the company code currency in the POScurrency field, which is new for Release 4.0, in retail plants. Thisavoids problems in the POS environment.
Firstly, all retail plants are determined from table T001W. The retailplants are all those entries which contain a customer number. Thesystem uses the customer number to determine the general plant data ofthe retail plant from table WRF1. Here, the plant POS currency ismaintained by this report.
The company code for each individual plant is determined from thevaluation area of the plant from table T001K. The company code currencycan then be read from table T001.
The following possible errors are taken into account in the report:

  • There is no WRF1 entry for the plant: this entry is only needed for
  • retail plants (stores, distribution centers). A check is carried out todetermine whether the plant is a retail plant or an industry plant.General plant data does not exist for industry plants in table WRF1, soan update is not required. However, if the plant is a retail plant, youmust check whether the data is complete. You can do this by usingtransaction WB02 "Change plant". If the data is incomplete for theretail environment, you can add the missing data by using transactionWB01 "Create plant".
    • No valuation area was found for the plant: Each retail plant has the
    • same valuation area number. If the valuation area does not exist for aretail site, the data is incomplete. In this case, create the valuationarea via the standard IMG, and assign the plant to the valuation area,also via the IMG.
      • The company code for the valaution area cannot be determined: In this
      • case use transaction WB02 "Change plant" to check whether a validcompany code has been assigned to the plant. You can change theassignement or create the company code via the standard IMG.
        If you were not able to maintain the POS currency for a plant becausethe necessary data was incomplete, and this data was added to the plantmanually, you can enter the POS currency manually using transactionWB02 "Change plant". However, you are advised to restart this report toensure that the POS currency is updated for all plants.