SAP Program RWVMIX01 - Upgrade Report, Copy Access to Info System from TWVMO to TWVMOQ

Convert entries from TWVMO to TWVMOQ

Table TWUMO contains parameters for accessing information systems(field MCINF, FDPLT, FDPLT, FDMAT, FDQUA, FDCHK). As of the currentrelease, more access to information systems is possible. The newaccesses can be entered in a new, dependent table (TWVMOQ) with anadditional key field (QUALF).
Parameters that already exist in TWVMO are entered in table TWVMOQunder the QUALF = "003" key using XPRA. The relevant fields in tableTWVMO are then deleted.

XPRA only becomes active if the fields mentioned above are not initialin entries for table TWVMO. Therfore, you can call XPRA more than oncewithout experiencing any problems.
If an entry with the necessary key already exists in TWVMOQ, therelevant entry in table TWVMO is not converted.