SAP Program RWVLB00B - Vendor Service Level

This program is used for editing vendor service levels. The followingtypes of processing are possible:

  • Display

  • Delete (with and without log)

  • Calculate (with and without save/display)
  • Integration
    If you choose "message list", the system displays a list of messagesthat occurred during the last processing run.

    To ensure best possible performance, make sure you narrow down yourselection as much as possible.
    The selection criteria for vendor, purchasing organization and plantare important for determining the load building combinations for whichthe vendor service level is to be processed. A load buildingcombination comprises a vendor and a plant.
    You can also narrow down the load building vendors selected. This onlyaffects the calculation. A load building vendor is a vendor for which arestriction profile has been maintained.

    If you combine more than one processing type, processing is carried outin the sequence defined on the selection screen (display, delete,calculate).

    All vendor service levels are displayed that are valid in the daterange. If you do not enter a date, all data is displayed. The defaultfor the to-date is the current date plus seven days.

    All data in the selection is deleted that is older than the dateentered. No data can be deleted that is still valid up after thepresent date. The date must be at least today or before.
    If you do not enter a date, the current date is used.

    The vendor service level is calculated for three consecutive days inthe factory calendar of the plant.

    The following is an example of selecting data for deletion:

    • Today is 01.23. In the 'to' date field, 01.22. was entered. The data
    • for the selection is deleted if they are older than 01.22.
      • Today is 01.23. If you do not enter a 'to' date, all data for the
      • selection is deleted that is older than 01.23.