SAP Program RWVLB002 - Determining Requirements for Investment Buying

The relevent condition changes (such as price changes) are read for thecondition types defined for investment buying in Customizing.
If the system finds net price increases based on average purchase orderquantities, a return on investment iteration is started for possiblepurchase order quantites, or coverage periods.
If an acceptable purchase order quantity is determined, documents suchas purchase requisitions, are created which can be processed to createpurchase orders.
The indicator does not affect the result of the Investment Buyingrequirements analysis. For program performance reasons, however, it canmake sense to carry out this check. You can expect an improvement inruntime if only part of the total assortment in the selected plants islisted. If however, the whole assortment in the selected plants islisted, the additional listing check can increase runtime.
To maintain system performance, you should plan report RWVLB00Cregularly. This report deletes condition change pointers which are nolonger required and therefore reduces the amount of data in the system.

Transaction OWIA in Retail Customizing allows you to define pricechange pointers relevant to order optimizing.
Definition of condition changes for future periods