SAP Program RWVKPIC2 - Subsequent Compilation of Doc Indexes: Create Pricing Docs and Indexes

This program is for the subsequent creation of pricing documents anddocument indexes for sales prices.

In Pricing in SAP Retail,the relationship between the calculated sales prices and the purchasingconditions on which they are based is created usingpricing documents anddocument indexes. Thesedocuments are required for thepricing worklist function
in Pricing. When you adopt data from legacy systems, when youmaintain master data (transaction "VK11"), or when you arecalculating sales prices
in which no provison has been made for document creation, salesprices without pricing documents and document indexes may be created inthe system. These sales prices cannot be processed in the pricingworklist function.
This program is the second step in a two-step processing procedure thatis used to generate pricing documents with document indexes for thosesales prices without documents. This program uses a worklist that wascreated in the first processing step (Table "WIND", document type "11")as its starting point.
The program is based on the Customizing settings that control automaticdocument adjustment in "Subsequent Index Compilation for Sales Prices".These settings control both the structure of the pricing worklist andthe follow-up processing.

If legacy data is transferred using IDocs of type "COND_A01", pricingworklist entries are generated during further processing according tothe Customizing settings for automatic document adjustment.
Report "RWVKPIC1" can be used to generate pricingworklist entries from change pointers. These are, in turn, checkedagainst Customizing for automatic document adjustment.


  • All the master data required for performing sales price calculations
  • must be maintained.
    • Customizing settings for saving the sales prices in the sales price
    • calculation function must be maintained accordingly for the relevantsales prices.
      Click here to call up Customizing.
      • Customizing for "Subsequent Index Compilation for Sales Prices" must be
      • maintained accordingly.
        Click here to call up Customizing.

        The program checks first whether a pricing document already exists forthe sales prices in the pricing worklist. It also uses Customizing forPricing to check whether the data (condition type, condition table, andso on)) in the control parameters for saving the sales prices in thesales price calculation function corresponds to the data for the salesprice from the pricing worklist. If both these tests are positive, asales price is calculated for the combination of material andorganizational level for the sales price. In the calculation,DS:DE.EKERV_M>purchase price determination type
        "01" is used for determining the purchase price, andsales price determination type "02" is used fordetermining the sales price. The start of the validity period for thecondition is used as the pricing date. The pricing document anddocument indexes are created using this sales price calculation.

        The parameter Number of Items per Pricing Document can be used to regulate the maximum number of pricing items in thepricing documents generated.

        The pricing documents generated by the program are marked with theprocedure ID "10".

430664Correction for Note 316290