SAP Program RWVKP004 - Pricing document: display list by organization

Program for displaying lists of pricing documents, arranged byorganizational level.

You can narrow down your selection of pricing documents for specificmaterials, based on material group, vendor (and vendor sub-range),season (season category and season year) and/or purchasingorganization. You can also narrow down the selection of the documentscreated to who created the document and to the date of creation. Youcan also restrict the items displayed to those with a particular status(A to E).
If you enter plants and/or price lists on the initial screen, you canalso display documents at distribution chain level by setting therelevant indicator in the organizational level selection box (seeexample).
To display pricing documents using the list viewer, you can enter yourown user-defined display variant. You must have defined this variant ina previous session of the list viewer. By entering parameter 'WKL', youcan define a list variant in your own user data.

To display pricing documents, you must be authorized to display salesprice calculations and purchasing information records.

A new page is created for each organizational level. The pricingdocuments are arranged on each page by number in ascending order.

On the selection screen, you enter a material and the followinginformation for the organizational level:

  • Material 4711

  • Distribution chain 0001

  • Distribution channel 01

  • Plant 1000

  • If the indicator in the organizational level selection box is set,pricing documents are displayed for material 4711 for distributionchain 0001/01 and plant 1000 in the distribution chain mentioned. Ifthe indicator is not set, pricing documents for plant 1000 only aredisplayed.