SAP Program RWVKP001 - Sales Price Calculation: Change/display price calculation

This program is used to calculate sales prices for a number ofmaterials and organizational levels in the one transaction. When youcall up the program, the screen for maintaining price calculations (thepricing table) appears. On this screen, you can change the data in theprice calculations suggested by the system on the basis of the variousdefault settings (calculation schemas, planned markups, price pointetc). For more detailed information on the maintenance screen and howto use it, see the notes for the user under the Extras menu.
Elements on the selection screen
You can narrow down the materials selected by material group, externalvendor (and vendor sub-range) and/or season (season category and/orseason year). If you enter an internal vendor, this narrows down thenumber of allowed pricing items further.
If more than one vendor is maintained for a material, you can changethe vendor later in the pricing table (see the F4 possible entries onthe vendor list field). When selecting organizational levels, you canenter distribution chains together with plants and/or price lists. Youcan also enter plant groups together with plants and single plants.
You cannot calculate prices for distribution chains and plant groups atthe same time. If you enter distribution chains and plants/price listsor plant groups and plants, the system uses an additive logic for thematerials selected (see example).
The "valid on" date is the starting date of the period of validity forsaving condition records. It is the date of price determination for thevarious prices determined in sales price calculations (purchase pricedetermination, sales-side pricing). The end of the period of validityis automatically set to 31.12.9999.
The "New price calculations only" indicator enables you to narrow downthe material/organizational levels selected so that you only calculateprices for a specific combination of material and organizational levelfor which there is no sales price in the system on the pricedetermination date ("valid from" date of the validity period).
You can enter default values for the parameters "EVM", and "EVV" in theuser data for the purchase price and sales price determination sequencethat has to be entered for the system to determine purchase prices andsales prices. These values are then shown when the transaction iscalled.
In the "Display options" box, you have to enter a list group and a listvariant for the system to determine how to lay out the pricing table.You can also enter default data in the user data for parameters "LIG"and "LIV". These two parameters can be changed in the pricing tableitself.
You use the "Issue update log" indicator to determine whether a log iscreated for the updating of condition records. When a log is created,it is displayed upon completion of the transaction. It makes sense tohave the system create an update log if a discrepancy is expectedbetween the prices displayed in the pricing table and the updating ofcondition records. This would be the case if you did not havesufficient authorization for condition types. You can also change theupdate log settings on the maintenance screen.

On the selection screen, you enter sales organization 0001 and fivedistribution channels from 01 through 05, i.e. three retaildistribution chains 0001/01 through 0001/03 and two wholesaledistribution chains 0001/04 and 0001/05. You also enter two plants F001and F002 (selling via distribution chains 0001/01 and 0001/02, and0001/02 and 0001/03) and a price list 01. 11 organizational levelsresult from this:
SOrg DChain Plant Price list
0001 01
0001 01 F001
0001 02
0001 02 F001
0001 02 F002
0001 03
0001 03 F002
0001 04
0001 04 01
0001 05
0001 05 01