Description Program RWSORTA1 compares the status at any given time of purchaseorders, stocks and sales orders for a (wholesale) promotion. You can run the program for all the materials in the promotion, or forselected materials only. There are 2 methods of processing: 1. Only displaying the current status ("purchase order comparison") 2. Processing the sales order quantities ("quantity adjustment") Variant 1 "Purchase order comparison": Every purchase order or sales order can be branched to (position thecursor on the line and choose a function) and then edited. They can bedisplayed in the same way - there is a hotspot for this purpose in theline. You can also display stocks in detail using the hotpsot provided. Variant 2 "Quantity adjustment": In addition, you have the option of processing each order quantitymanually or automatically, provided that the order quantities for eachmaterial are not already covered by purchase orders / stocks. If yousave any changes, the corrected sales orders are changed in batchinput. There are 4 methods of automatic processing available: 1. Equal distribution
- The sales orders of all customers are reduced in equal proportion.
2. External customers ahead of internal customers
- If possible, the sales orders of "external" customers are fulfilled
first. Afterwards the remainder is distributed to "internal" customers(stores / DCs).
- Sales orders are not combined.
3. Internal customers ahead of external customers.
- If possible, the sales orders of "internal" customers are fulfilled
first. Afterwards the remainder is distributed to "external" customers(not stores / DCs).
- Sales orders are not combined.
4. Link-up to a user exit
- This user exit will allow you to define quantity distribution methods
to suit your own needs - it has not yet been released for use, however(Rel. 1.2 B).
- At present, an error message is issued by the system if you attempt to
use this function.Precondition The promotion must already have been created and both purchase ordersand sales orders must exist. Output A list is output on screen for editing online. You can also request a log of the changes made to the sales orders.