SAP Program RWSORT34 - Display Change Documents For The Listing Conditions

Display the change documents for listing conditions

You can view this report to view change documents for listingconditions for specific materials. The material field is a requiredentry field for this. You can be more specific about the material byentering a sales organization, distribution channel or an assortment.Only changes that occur within the change time period are taken intoconsideration when viewing the data. The system defaults today's dateas the time period.
When you change the time period or when you use references in thematerial field, make sure that you do not use too much data as this maylead to long system response times or even program terminations.

This report is part of various analysis reports.

Change documents are only generated for listing conditions if changepointers are also generated.

Change documents are issued on a hierarchical basis according to thestructure of the organization concerned. The change documents for thematerials are prepared within the tree structure according to thedistribution chain and assortment. You can view detailed information onthe change documents by double-clicking on the document number which isissued using a list.