SAP Program RWSORT11 - Material Groups - Material - Assortments Consistency Check

This program checks whether the reference materials in each materialgroup are maintained to a deep enough level. The following levels oferror are analyzed:
1. No reference material is defined for the material group
The material and assortment maintenance functions cannot find any
references, rendering certain MM and SD functions impossible.
2. According to the reference plant, no data has been maintained at
client level (in table TWPA)
Effects: see above
Cross-distribution chain data can be defined per plant category
(store and DC) at this level
3. According to the reference plant, no data has been maintained at
distribution chain level (table TVKOV)
Effects: see above
Distribution chain-specific data can be defined per plant category
(store in a consumer distribution chain, or DC) at this level.
Please see the assortments documentation for further information.
