SAP Program RWSGENAR - Generate Allocation Rules with Data from SAP BW

This report generates allocation rules using planned or actual datafrom SAP BW.
You decide which data from SAP BW to use by specifying a method. Youdefine this method in Customizing for "Data Retraction for Retail/CP"(transaction MCW_AA) for the analytical application 001 (AllocationTable). The method describes a query used to determine the data in SAPBW.
You can restrict the data selection from SAP BW by specifying a plantgroup for whose plants rules are to be generated, the period to beanalyzed, and the selected material group(s), any material grouphierarchy level, or materials. The date type of the period depends onthe period unit of the query selected by the method.
The data found from SAP BW can be used in allocation rules in twodifferent ways. If the user chooses to generate using the distributionamong plants, the SAP BW values are transferred to the correspondingfield of the allocation rule plant by plant. How this share isinterpreted depends on the quota category, which you specify implicitlywith the allocation rule type. When you generate using plant quotas,you can choose between the quota categories "ratio", "fixed quantityaverage" and "fixed quantity total". When you generate using allocationcategories, you first need to create model allocation rules (see also"Creating Allocation Rules"). These model allocation rules group plantstogether depending on the key figure value found for them in SAP BW. Inthe generated rule, the plants receive the quota share of theallocation category that was assigned to them. The quota category istransferred from the model allocation rule in this case, and can onlyhave the category "ratio". The model allocation rules to be used aredetermined automatically.
Note: Model allocation rules do not contain any plants or plant groups.