SAP Program RWRPLX03 - Upgrade report: convert PROWUG, PRWOG, TRCOV from PROP to WRPL

This report is not an XPRA, but must be used as such, i.e.before you use Replenishment in a production system. This is whyit can be run online.
It is only required if you previously used a forecast to calculatetarget stock.
If the report terminates, it can be started where it left off. Itemsthat have already been converted are not changed a second time. Targetfields are only overwritten if they are ALL still intial.
As of Release 4.5A three parameters that were previously in table PROPare now maintained in table WRPL. The fields involved are as follows:

  • PRWUG (forecast lower limit = minimum
  • target stock)
    • PRWOG (forecast upper limit = maximum
    • target stock)
      • and ANZPR (number of forecast periods)

      • The first two fields are copied to fields of the same name in tableWRPL. The number of forecast periods is copied to fieldWRPL-TRCOV. Since the target range of coverage isgiven in days, while the number of forecast periods is based on theperiod split in information structure S130, this number is firstconverted to days. The following factors are included in thecalculation:
        Day ,, 1
        Week ,, 7
        Month ,, 30
        Posting period ,, 0
        Where posting periods are freely definable, the target range ofcoverage is set to zero,

        This report can only be used as of Release 4.5A.
