Description This report copies the fields from table WRPL representing movementdata to table WRPT. These fields are STOCK and CHNGE. This splits upthe table so that it only contains master data, while the movement datais contained in table WRPT. At the same time the field EISBE, which was used up to now as theminimum target stock, is set to zero for all entries in table WRPL.This enables it to have its new (and original) meaning of "safetystock" (all data relevant to the forecast - including the minimumtarget stock - will be maintained as of 4.0 in table PROP only and nolonger in table WRPL. The minimum target stock will remain in tablePROP in the field PRWUG). For this, a maximum of 5000 lines (constant C_PACKAGE_SIZE) of entriesfrom WRPL are copied to the internal table T_WRPL (DATA_MOVE). Thenthe relevant fields are copied on a line basis to the internal tableT_WRPT (TABLE_COPY) and to the database table WRPT (WRPT_SAVE). TheMODIFY (and not UPDATE) command is used so that the program can bere-started after any interruptions. In a second step the forecast-relevant data at requirement group levelin table WRPP (previously MABST and EISBE, max. and min. target stock)is copied to 2 new fields PRWOG and PRWUG (WRPP_CHANGE). They aretherefore in conformity with the field names in table PROP. The field EISBE is deleted for all entries so that - as with table WRPL- it can be used with its new meaning of "safety stock" |