SAP Program RWRPLCHK - Consistency Check for Replenishment Data

This program is used to eliminate inconsistencies in the tables that arerelevant for replenishmentnamely tables WRPL, WRPT and WRPP.
There are three functions:

  • Reconciliation

  • Deletion of replenishment data

  • Deletion of requirement groups

  • Features

    • Reconciliation

    • Tables MARC and WRPL contain redundant data that should always beidentical. In certain circumstances, however, inconsistencies can occur.This report eliminates inconsistencies in table WRPL by overwritingtable WRPL with the entries from table MARC.
      • Deletion of replenishment data

      • Previously, there was no option to delete replenishment master data andthe accompanying movement data apart from by completely archiving amaterial. This report enables you to delete entries from tables WRPL andWRPT. Only entries that have anMRP type that is notrelevant for replenishment are deleted.
        • Deletion of requirement groups

        • If the replenishment data is maintained using requirement groups, thereis no option to delete the entries in table WRPP for all materials in astore. Set this indicatorif there are entries in table WRPP for materials that no longer exist intable WRPL and which therefore need to be deleted.
          • Simulation

          • Set this indicator if you do not want the system to write modified datato the database. The rest of the program flow is identical to theprogram flow when the indicator is not set, however.
            • Flow log

            • The log is saved in the application log. You can display the log usingtransaction SLG1 (object WRCK, subobjects KONS and BRP) or delete itusing transaction SLG2 both online and in the background. In the case ofonline processing, the log is displayed in the following screen.
              • OK messages

              • For performance reasons, error messages only are displayed. If you wantsuccess messages to be displayed as well, set this indicator.
                • Parallel processing

                • Parallel processing takes place on the basis of the recipient. Since theselection of the recipient is not relevant for the deletion ofrequirement groups, parallel processing does not take place for thisprocess.


                  • Reconciliation

                  • There are no required entry fields for the consistency check. If you donot make a selection, all recipients and all materials are selected.
                    • Deletion of replenishment data

                    • The field MRP type is a required entry field. If nothing other than theMRP type is selected, all recipients and materials are selected.
                      • Deletion of requirement groups

                      • It is only possible to select materials and material groups. You canfill the fields Recipient and MRP type, however, they will not be takeninto consideration. If you do not specify any materials, all availablematerials will be selected.