SAP Program RWRF_PPW_CONDITIONS_CREATE - Price Plans: Create Conditions

Program in the price planning application that you can use to createconditions for the planned sales prices for the relevant price plans.

You create conditions and activate theprice with the update of budget data in two steps. This approach isused because the conditions have to be created some time before thevalidity start date of the price plans, in order to download theconditions to the POS systems in due time. The price plans are usuallyactivated close to their validity start date, in order to use the mostcurrent possible stock data when updating the budgets.
You can use Business Add-In WRF_PPW_X_STOCK_E
to check the stock quantity determination in this program (seeFeatures).

Conditions are only created for price plans that have status Released orReleased (Temporary).

The planning of sales prices in the price plans performed in the PricePlanning Workbench is based onsales price calculation.You create the conditions according to the settings in theImplementation Guide that you defined for the databackup for sales price calculation. Therefore, other sales conditionsare also created, in addition to the conditions for sales prices. It isnot possible to create purchasing conditions for price plans, however.
If you have deactivated sales prices for organizational units with theirown prices within price plan processing, the corresponding sales priceconditions for these organizational levels are deleted during theprogram run.
The stock quantities are also updated in the processed price planswithin this program, and the budget data in the price plan is adjustedautomatically.

You use the selection criteria for price plan to restrict the selectionof relevant price plans (with the described required status). Thefuture period is an additional selectioncriterion for promotion plans.

The program generates an application log for object WRF_PPW, subobjectCOND_GEN, which you can navigate to directly during interactive programexecution.

We recommend scheduling this program for periodic background processing,with a suitable period length, to create conditions automatically forreleased price plans.