SAP Program RWRF_CHARVAL_TYPING - Characteristic Typing

If you type a characteristic subsequently, the system has to set the newfields for table MARA (COLOR, SIZE1, SIZE2, COLOR_ATINN, SIZE1_ATINN,SIZE2_ATINN) accordingly. This program copies the changes to thematerial master data.

In the following cases, the system starts the program automatically;when you save, a dialog box appears in which you decide how and when thesystem should perform the conversion:

  • When maintaining the header data of characteristic values in maintenance
  • view V_WRF_CHAR_HEAD, when you set the characteristic type for the firsttime or change it.
    • During dialog maintenance of characteristic values when you create
    • characteristic values for the first time or when you change thecharacteristic type for an existing characteristic.
      You can also call the program explicitly.

      The program performs the following steps:
      Determine all AUSP records that use the characteristic in question
      Determine the corresponding INOB records, based on the determinedinternal object number.
      Determine the corresponding records with material category 02from table MARA.
      Fill the new fields COLOR, SIZE1, SIZE2, COLOR_ATINN, SIZE1_ATINN,SIZE2_ATINN with the new values, dependent on the characteristic type.
      The program then generates material master change documents, dependenton your selection in the above dialog box.
      You can only start this program online, but you can choose betweendialog (synchronous) processing and background (asynchronous)processing.