SAP Program RWRF_APC_PLSYNC - Synchronize Purchasing List Items after Assignment Changes

Use this program to adjust purchasing lists that have become'asynchronous' due to changes in the material hierarchy assignment orthe distribution center assignment to stores.

Examples of changes that have an effect on purchasing lists:

  • You change the assortment assignment to hierarchy nodes. This could
  • result in assortments falling out of planning where you have alreadymaintained planned or assigned quantities.
    • You change the assignment of a distribution center (supplying plant) to
    • one or more stores. Depending on your assignments, this could result indistribution centers falling out of planning where you have alreadymaintained planned or assigned quantities.
      Such changes are also detected in the Operational Assortment Planningand Control transaction. You cannot release items if inconsistenciesexist in the corresponding purchasing lists.

      You can select purchasing lists by ID or by materials contained in thecorresponding purchasing lists.

      The program displays information about the purchasing lists selected andallows you to delete obsolete planned quantities,assigned quantities forassortments, or distribution centers that are no longer valid.

      Use transaction WRFAPC30 to start this program if you want tosynchronize your purchasing lists.
      You could use this information to change your assortment assignments ordistribution center assignments (for example, if the assignments hadbeen removed by mistake).

      Suppose you have the following material hierarchy:

      • Category C1

      • Subcategories S1, S2, ...

      • Your planning level might be set up to be the subcategory level. Youhave assortments AS1 and AS2 assigned tocategory C1. If you then createpurchasing lists for subcategory S1, you can plan and assign quantitiesto assortments AS1 and AS2.
        Suppose that you now assign assortment AS3 to subcategory S1. Becausethe program considers the more detailed level first, after thisassignment, assortments AS1 and AS2 are no longer accessible from yourpurchasing lists created for subcategory S1.
        If you have already planned quantities for these assortments, you couldeither recreate them manually for assortment AS3 or delete them if theyare obsolete. If the assortment assignment to the hierarchy was changedby mistake, you can change it back to the previous setting.