SAP Program RWRF_ADDI_IDOC_GENERATE - Request Additionals IDocs for Documents

Using this report, you can generate IDocs for additionals on the basisof the selection criteria entered.
Additionals IDocs are generated in a similar way to in theadditionals monitor and using parts of theadditionals monitor.
The report can be started in batch mode or in dialog mode. When usingbatch mode, it is possible to implement an automated generation ofadditionals IDocs, which is independent of the reference documentcreation. This means that you can use the additionalsmonitor to make subsequent changes to the additionals data.
When using background scheduling, it is possible to use parallelprocessing by filling the relevant fields on the selection screen.
In dialog mode, messages are issued in a dialog box when processing iscomplete.
When you start the report in batch mode, the messages in theapplication log are stored under object 'WRF_WTAD' andsubobject 'RWRF_ADDI_IDOC_GEN'.

You must have at least display authorization for this report. The sameauthorization object as for the additionals monitor
is used as the basis for the authorization check.

A selection screen provides the user with several selection options. Theselection options are fundamentally the same as in theadditionals monitor.
In addition, the 'Material Group (Additionals)' field has been added tothe 'Additionals' tab page and the 'Process Purchase Orders Only'indicator on the 'Document Numbers' tab page.
As this report is primarily intended for the automatic generation ofadditionals IDocs for purchase orders, the default setting is for thisindicator to be active. In addition, the two status fields "AdditionalsIDocs" and "Deletion Indicator" on the Status tab page are prepopulatedwith possible values.
When using batch mode, you can activate parallel processing. You can,for example, set the Number of Parallel Processes,the Number of Records per Process, or aSplit by Recipient.